The Real Secret to Controlling Heart Disease and the Cholesterol Hype
Cholesterol constantly gets bad press, but the truth is cholesterol performs necessary functions in our body as well as creating some cardiovascular risks. The trick is to keep a good balance.
One of the little known facts about cholesterol is that it protects us from the effects of toxicity. As we know, our environment is far more toxic than it used to be, and as toxicity is passed on from mother to child via the placenta, we are starting life full of toxins. Each day we eat, breath and absorb more toxins. So the binding of cholesterol to toxins in order to protect the body, is vitally important to our health. So while diet can increase cholesterol levels, so to can a heavy load of toxins such as heavy metals (mercury, lead etc), petrochemicals, drugs or pesticides. In particular heavy metals such as mercury increase total cholesterol and LDL Solvents (such as alcohol) raise LDL and triglycerides.
A cholesterol level that is too low is a risk marker of cancer, intestinal problems, stroke and depression. So balance really is the key.
Dyslipidaemia or abnormal blood lipids (fat), such as cholesterol or triglycerides increases your risk of atheroschlerosis, heart disease, stroke, hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders. A total cholesterol reading by itself is not particularly useful. There are 2 main types of cholesterol that you need to be aware of. HDL cholesterol refers to high density lipoprotein. This is the good cholesterol, so remember that we want HDL to be high. HDL carries cholesterol away from the heart and back to the liver where it is excreted as bile. It also helps remove excess cholesterol from inside the blood vessels.
Low density lipoprotein or LDL is supposedly the bad stuff which we need to keep low.LDL transports cholesterol & triglycerides towards the cells and tissues which readily take them up. LDL cholesterol can adhere to the walls of the blood vessels that feed the heart and brain. Increased LDL cholesterol supposedly therefore leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
So why I am saying that LDL cholesterol is supposedly bad? New research tells us that it is only when LDL cholesterol becomes oxidized that it causes problems for the heart. A raised LDL cholesterol on its own has not been found to cause any problems. Oxidation is like a rusting effect. It occurs as a result of inadequate antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E and selenium. If you diet is high in nutrient poor foods such as breads, cakes, biscuits, pasta or processed foods, you are at increased risk of insufficient antioxidants and therefore heart disease.
So before you go into a spin about the effects of cholesterol on heart disease, remember that inflammation and lack of antioxidants is likely to be a greater risk factor of cardiovascular disease than raised cholesterol. Cholesterol repairs membranes that are damaged by inflammation. By reducing inflammation you can therefore reduce the stimulus for the synthesis of cholesterol by the liver. Any treatment that is designed to protect you from heart disease must decrease inflammation. Fish oil can effectively reduce inflammation & triglycerides and slowly bring cholesterol to a satisfactory level.
If you are still concerned about reducing cholesterol here are a few tips:Eat a high fibre diet as fibre prevents cholesterol absorption and promotes eliminationHave at least one serving of green leafy vegetables - this will assist with adequate fibre intake.Eat other foods that are rich in antioxidants such as berries to prevent oxidation of your LDL cholesterol.Despite the hype around saturated fats, grains can contribute to dyslipidemia as they contain palmatic and stearic acid.Keep processed foods to a minimum.ofEat 30 percent protein (eggs, milk, dairy, fish, and soy), and 40 percent carbohydrates and 30 percent good fats from foods such as avocado, nuts, sesame, coconut or olive oil.The secret as with all good health is to ensure you have a balanced diet with plenty of whole, fresh foods.
Vivienne Savill is an Author, Naturopath and Nurse who runs a natural health clinic in Australia. She is passionate about teaching people how to maintain good health and prevent ill health, through the use of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and herbs. Vivienne has writes about numerous health subjects including Metabolic Syndrome: How to Prevent & Treat Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity, which can be found at
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