• Reverse Heart disease Reverse Heart disease
    How to Prevent or Even Reverse Heart disease - Without Drugs or Surgery” will be the resource that saves thousands of lives — perhaps yours or that of a loved one...

They Said-It's Not Possible to Prevent or Reverse Heart Disease Without Surgery

Are you on a quest to peer through the conventional wisdom that says surgery or a cabinet full of drugs is the only way to prevent heart disease and heart attacks?.

It is startling, but...more than 1.6 million people a year have a heart attack, with about 1 million deaths as a direct consequence. That amounts to a death every 30 seconds.

Don't be one of them!

As you may know, most doctors promote drugs and surgery as the only option to their steady stream of patients spending thousands on hi-tech, expensive and largely ineffective medical care.

This chase for "cures" is both financially devastating and absolutely futile.

Stop chasing!

Heart disease is preventable and even reversible.

And this is not according to this author but according to some of the brightest medical scientists and doctors on the planet.

You can turn that 72% artery blockage down to a respectable 27%.

You can shock your conventional doc with blood test results so good they baffle him and he has to turn to you and say, "Whatever it is you are doing, keep doing it."

Let me share just a few more facts so you understand just what you are up against when it comes to heart disease.

Otherwise, you may dismiss this genuine opportunity to counteract your heart disease and truly change your life.

You see...heart disease is insidious. It is the type of disease that begins invisibly with a little damage to the artery but, without the proper offense and defense, it grows exponentially.

In a nutshell here's what happens:

Chronic inflammation diminishes the bodies ability to protect and repair itself
The delicate elastic inner lining of the artery (endothelial) is damaged by a variety of potential enemies
The toxins present in an unhealthy, inflammation racked body accumulate at the site of the damage and send the artery into a downward spiral, clogged and hardened.
The resulting restricted circulation burdens the heart and the rest of the organs in the body. This is the cycle of ill health that most experience for years.

The surgeries performed on heart disease sufferers and the drugs may provide temporary relief but at the same time the side affects of these trigger chronic inflammation which, as you can see, simply starts the process of heart disease all over.

Fortunately, it is possible to stop focusing on the symptoms of heart disease and learn how to treat the root cause of heart disease...uncontrolled inflammation.

In fact, the more you read about the effect inflammation has on the body the more "a-ha" moments you'll have. It will became apparent to you that uncontrolled inflammation is actually at the root of most of the major disease states we are suffering from.

It really does make sense when you think about. The stressful, toxic world we face on the outside is taking a toll on us--on the inside.

So, are you ready for the good news that could catapult you past the conventional wisdom and put you back on the road to pure health?

Well, here is the simple truth...

By fighting the root cause of heart disease and most other disease states--uncontrolled inflammation--you can prevent and even reverse the problems.

You can be healthy, entirely healthy.

NOTE: MJ Kendall at Birmingham University tested 2,000 patients, all with confirmed clogged arteries. He provided them with antioxidant supplements which are known to fight uncontrolled inflammation and found that this reduced the risk of heart disease by 47%.* Now the question becomes...what is the most effective, the most scientifically tested antioxidant?

You may have noticed, the health food store shelves are chock full of antioxidants.

Most people seeking a real cure have probably spent more than a few dollars on vitamins, minerals and other beneficial supplements. Although you may have had a measure of success with the variety of supplements you've taken over the years, a true breakthrough has probably eluded you.

To learn how to fight uncontrolled inflammation, we need to talk about Glutathione or GSH. The chemical our body produces by itself in every cell of the body but which is found in pitifully low levels in most people.

Glutathione (GSH) is so important to our health is has been called the "Master Antioxidant".

Recent medical research shows that increasing GSH or glutathione levels in the body can empower the body to make leaps toward health that were not possible with lower levels of GSH.

Medical research portals such as PubMed.com have literally hundreds, maybe thousands (I haven't counted) of articles detailing glutathione's beneficial effects.

That's a lot to read!

To help you grasp the foundational concepts behind this powerful breakthrough in "root cause" treatment I have put together a free series of 10 information packed emails.

In 10 days from now you will have the knowledge you need to fight uncontrolled inflammation and get your life back.

Learn about the email bootcamp HERE.

Kent lives in Indianapolis, IN and publishes for www.Inflammation911.com, a media source dedicated to educating individuals on the fundamental dangers of uncontrolled inflammation and the power of Glutathione (GSH) in boosting the bodies natural ability to fight most major disease states.

Treating Heart Disease With Aspirin

The practice of prescribing aspirin to patients with heart disease goes back to the 1940s, but it took a long time before studies proved what general practitioners had noticed. Aspirin can prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attacks. This was finally proved to everyone's satisfaction in 1989.

Aspirin has been around a long time, and even before it was made into a pill, it was used in its natural form. Willow bark contains the same ingredient and is how the first aspirin tablets were made.

As mentioned in the teaser, aspirin has both pros and cons. Most of the time, the good it does outweighs the bad, but knowing them could save your life.


Pain Killer: Headaches, muscle strains and other types of pain can be relieved with this product. It can be helpful both by swallowing it and by putting it on the skin. There are over the counter creams and gels that help you stop the pain topically.

Fevers: While it is not as strong as some other products, aspirin (and before that willow) has been used to treat all kinds of fevers. It doesn't matter what the cause, it works across the board.

Blood Thinner: Unlike other NSAIDs, aspirin can thin the blood enough to prevent heart attacks. Some doctors recommend starting an aspirin regimen even for those who don't have any of the symptoms of the problem, just as a preventative measure.


Allergies: There are a number of people who are allergic to aspirin. Taking it can cause breathing problems sometimes severe enough to kill. If you notice any changes to your breathing, a feeling of being chocked or any other respiratory problem, call your doctor. You may need a trip to the emergency room.

Bleeding in the Digestive Tract: The chemical in this product causes small cuts to the digestive tract. You may notice a change in your stools after taking it. Tell your doctor if you find this, as you may need to reduce the dose.

Clotting Disorders: Because it is a blood thinner, those with clotting disorders should avoid aspirin unless prescribed by a doctor that is aware of your condition. It could make the disorder worse.

Gout: Aspirin is a direct cause of gout flareups. The higher the dosage, the more at risk you are. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor if it is prescribed for you. The last thing you need is this extremely painful disorder on top of dealing with a life threatening medical condition.

Upset Stomach: Despite the buffering agent, this product can upset your stomach. Be sure to take it with food in order to prevent that side effect. If the problem continues, your doctor may want to change the dosage or prescribe a medication to block that effect.

It's not a good idea to self diagnose or self prescribe. It's also unwise to stop taking a medication prescribed by your doctor without discussing it. To protect yourself, make an appointment and find out if aspirin therapy will benefit you.

See my website: http://www.alternative-herbal-remedies.com

Understanding Congenital Heart Disease

The heart is the most important part of one's body; it ensures blood circulation throughout the body, without which life would not be possible. Medicine has advanced greatly and, with modern technology, almost all heart diseases can be treated successfully if detected in time.

What is Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital heart disease, or CHD, is a malformation of the heart or a large blood vessel near the heart. Congenital heart disease is a condition that one is born with and it is one of the most common forms of major birth defects in newborns, affecting approximately 8% per 1000 infants. It is normally diagnosed within one week from birth in 40-50% of congenital heart disease cases.

This condition is not a problem until after birth, as the blood circulation differs from that after birth. The fetal circulation derives oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta, and the fetal circulation has important communications between the upper heart chambers and the great blood vessels near the heart. Consequently, most types of congenital heart disease are well tolerated during fetal life.

The Cause of Congenital Heart Disease

This disease can have different causes such as:

- Environmental factors such as chemicals or drugs are sometimes to blame. For example, if a mother-to-be catches measles or rubella during pregnancy, the infection can impair the development of the unborn baby's heart or other organs. Similar effects can take place if the mother-to-be consumes alcohol during pregnancy.

- Maternal diseases for the mother can increase the risks of developing congenital heart disease in the unborn baby.

- Chromosome abnormalities - a common chromosome abnormality causing congenital heart disease is Down's syndrome where an extra #21 chromosome is present. About 50% of children with Down's syndrome also have CHD.

Treating Congenital Heart Disease

The treatment depends from person to person due to the huge difference in occurrence from case to case. Everything needs to be taken into consideration in order to follow an effective treatment program.

A treatment program can only be decided after proper diagnosis made by a specialist. While eating healthy and exercising always helps, congenital heart disease is a special case which needs to follow strict doctor's instructions; no self medication or treatment is advised. Information and guidelines are available both online and in the doctor's office to help one educate themselves in order to deal better with this disease.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Heart Diseases and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Heart Disease web site. For more articles and resources on Heart Disease related topics, Congenital Heart Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, Heart Disease symptoms and treatments and much more visit his site at:


Understanding the Effects of Heart Disease

Coronary artery disease is a common term given to heart disease. It is also called arteriosclerosis. There are many causes and treatments to this silent killer. It is important to know the risks involved so you can take action before you develop problems.

You May Be Unaware

You could have no idea that you have coronary artery disease. During the course of a normal day the heart works efficiently. It pumps blood through the body and life goes on. However, that blood flow can be restricted or even interrupted. Fatty deposits in the arteries can cause these problems. Gradually they build up until blood no longer flows properly to the heart. The heart cannot function and live without proper blood supply. For many years this scenario can play out - until something has to give. If you do nothing, it will eventually be your heart.

What Brings This On?

What you eat and how you live plays a huge role, in the health of your heart.

Heart problems can be passed on from one generation to the next. The susceptibility to develop it may also come from your parents. This factor can put you at higher risk. If you have relatives with heart problems you will need to take extra precautions.

Tobacco is a known cause of coronary artery disease. The more you smoke the greater the chance you take. If your blood sugar is high, your circulation could be affected. Diabetics have a greater chance to develop arteriosclerosis. As you age, your risk factor for this disease will go up. However, younger people can still be at risk.

Do I Have This Condition?

Unless you are having a heart attack you may not know. High blood pressure or cholesterol can mean that something is wrong, so be aware of this.


Doing things that can lead to a healthy lifestyle is important. That includes exercise and proper eating. If you cannot go to a gym, try walking. Taste your meals before adding salt. Read food labels before buying. See your doctor and follow advice and treatment suggestions. Have cholesterol levels and blood pressure checks routinely. Take medications that are prescribed to you.

Take the initiative and take control of your health. Learn everything you can about your condition. Internet and libraries are a good source of knowledge.


There are many things you can do to treat and prevent heart disease. See your doctor and learn the basics of this silent killer. You may be unaware of its existence until it strikes.

In order to keep track of the heart disease risks lurking, you will need to keep close track on the cholesterol ratio. A heart disease diet with high-density lipoprotein is the good stuff. A heart disease symptom such as shortness of breath should raise alarm bells. For more free information please visit our website.

Your Diet and Heart Disease

Now would you believe me if I told that by eating merely one half a serving of fish you can help prevent yourself from dying of a heart attack? Well it is true. But here is the rub for a lot of you, talking about it will not help, you must actually do it. That is consume a half of a portion of fish every week, not sometimes but every week.

We all know folks who have died of a heart attack. It is pretty easy for you to ignore the risk of a heart attack. Most of the problems that contribute to it you can hardly feel.

So if you feel nothing there must be nothing to be concerned about, right? Wrong! Your temptation to assume that everything is fine may be overwhelming. It is my experience that until we experience a loved one or just someone close to us die from a heart attack we experience no fear of it. But boy don't we all gather around and say, "but he was so healthy, not a thing wrong him and look what happened to him". Well that deceased person was not healthy as heart disease takes many years to develop and you can not reverse it overnight. So I say to you let us all start now to reverse it.

Since your diet is one of the biggest contributors to heart disease does it not make sense to check yours out and change it now if it needs to be changed? The changes for you to make should be obvious to you, like avoiding your bacon cheeseburgers and eating more fish, fruits, vegetables and whole grain. I do not mean you have to completely change today but change you must, do it slowly but consistently. Tackle what you think you can handle, then a little more. Do you know that by you eating just one fruit or vegetable at each meal you can significantly reduce your risk of a heart attack. Now that isn't that bad is it?

Even if you already have heart disease the right diet can help you reverse it, would that not be great? And that is something no cholesterol lowering pill can accomplish. The right diet may improve your cholesterol readings, lower your high blood pressure, level you blood sugar, and even take off some extra pounds (for an added bonus). Most studies I have read have proved this. Anyone up for changing your diet, get on board with this one, you only have one life, live it well. Fish anyone? And always you must eat well to be well.

I think. I read. I care. I inform. I coach.
This is a must do, let's talk.
To you health

Don George
wellness is my game

1(603) 686-7186

Healthy Diet Plan for Preventing Heart Disease

The healthy diet plan that reduces the chances of having a heart attack is largely unknown by the majority of people at risk. Much skirmishing is going on in intellectual circles over what is the cause of the blockage of the arteries which precipitates a heart attack, but the general truth is known, if not widely publicized.

Why not?

Are We More Afraid of Offending the Sacred Cows of Agriculture -- or Killing the Golden Goose of Heart Surgeons?

Heart disease can have several major contributing factors. The most widely accepted theory is that the major blood flow to the heart becomes, over time, restricted by plaques -- fatty deposits of cholesterol.

Though our body makes its own cholesterol and it serves many useful purposes, this blocking of the coronary arteries is not a normal healthy occurence. It can and often does kill us.

Autopsies conducted on Korean soldiers (1950-53) who ate a mostly plant-based diet revealed little evidence of these plaques -- quite unlike what was found in the arteries of young American soldiers in that same war. Present-day autopsies of auto crash victims in the U.S. are now showing considerable plaques developing in children ten years old.

There are conflicting theories that propose to explain why these blockages or plaques form. The two schools of thought are basically the one that believes that eating a large proportion of animal products (meats, fish, eggs, dairy products) in our diet is the source of this plaque problem.

The other school of thought believes that eating some well-chosen animal products is okay, but it is refined sugar that is the catalyst or instigator for the inflammation of the arteries, which invites the cholesterol deposits to form as a protective measure.

There is not space here to point by point address the merits of these two conflicting theories.

What is most important, it seems to me, is to cover all the bases and safely pass through life without any heart disease -- for any reason.

Mainstream medical protocol in the U.S. usually consists of a little song-and-dance of gently reminding the patient that he or she really should watch their weight, eat less red meat and more of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Then, either sooner or later, out comes the prescription pad and one is written for a statin drug, which forces the patient's liver to make less cholesterol.

Most heart patients are unwilling to significantly change their diet and exercise routines, especially when they know they can pay -- or, more accurately, their insurance can pay -- for a drug that will let them continue to eat as they always have.

The statin drugs may solve one problem, but the create other problems such as diminishing the body's manufacturing an essential enzyme for energy production, Co-enzyme Q-10. This can produce some serious, even fatal side-effects. such as rhabdomyalgia.

At an early age, I developed an unconscious desire to avoid the sad deterioration of health I witnessed in several close family members as a result of heart disease, so I decided to find the best assurance that I could to avoid it.

It turns out that there is a whole school of cardiologists who have demonstrated success in attacking cardiovascular disease head on through a healthy low-fat diet plan. Through changes in diet alone, their patients have made their plaque buildups shrink and even disappear as seen in detailed high-tech scans of the same arteries.

These Are Patients Given Up For Dead by Modern Mainstream Medicine

To me, it makes the most sense to attack the problem of cholesterol buildups by stopping/reducing my consumption of cholesterol, which is only found in animal sourced foods.

I can cover the other base -- the theory that it is inflammation caused by high fructose corn syrup, in particular -- by avoiding that unnecessary food ingredient. No problem.

Not to brag, but it seems preferable to make diet changes now, compared to possibly being offered the option of being sawed open and having 3 or 4 heart arteries replaced with ones scavenged from dead pigs or other cadavers.

And, you know what? This healthy diet plan for avoiding heart disease is easily worth giving up fondly remembered deep-fried chicken and barbequed pork ribs. Good health for a long life is worth it.

To learn more about the evidence that this Healthy Diet Plan can prevent and even reverse heart disease, visit the page "Low Fat Diet" at http://www.healthyplanetdiet.com (Unless you want to join "The Zipper Club", that is.)

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. Almost 700,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. each year. It is also a major cause of disability. There are many different forms of heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease is narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself. Heart disease is a term that includes several more specific heart conditions. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attack. There are many different forms of heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease is narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself. This is called coronary artery disease and happens slowly over time. It's the major reason people have heart attacks. Other kinds of heart problems may happen to the valves in the heart, or the heart may not pump well and cause heart failure. Some of these risk factors a person can't do anything about, like being older and having other people in the family who have had the same problems.

Some people are born with heart disease. Heart disease is not contagious the can't catch it like you can the flu or a cold. Some of these risk factors a person can't do anything about, like being older and having other people in the family who have had the same problems. But people do have control over some risk factors -- smoking, having high blood pressure, being overweight, and not exercising can increase the risk of getting cardiovascular disease. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease in women. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death in New York State, killing more than 70,000 residents each year. Many of these survivors are disabled and cannot lead productive lives. They also are at high risk for additional events. High blood pressure-High blood pressure increases the heart's workload, causing the heart to thicken and become stiffer. It also increases your risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and congestive heart failure.

Heart disease, also called cardiovascular disease, mainly affects older people and means that there are problems with the heart and blood vessels. Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure, cause heart failure and lead to stroke. About 20%-30% of women who have had an episode of preeclampsia will develop the disorder in a subsequent pregnancy, which makes this history at least as significant a risk factor for future preeclampsia as chronic hypertension, renal disease, and pregestational diabetes. The earlier in the first gestation preeclampsia developed, the higher the risk of recurrence in the next: the condition returned in more than half of women who had their first episode before week 27, compared with a 40% recurrence when the index episode was between week 27 and 30, and 20% at week 37 or after. Cholesterol-lowering medicines lower the risk of heart attacks in men. Taking an aspirin every day may lower your risk of problems if you have coronary artery disease, a heart attack or angina.

Heart Disease Treatment Tips

1. Angioplasty-This opens a blocked vessel by using a balloon-like device at an artery's narrowest point.

2. Atherectomy-This involves cutting the plaque out of an artery, so blood can flow freely.

3. Bypass surgery-This involves taking part of an artery or vein from another part of the body.

4. Pacemakers - A pacemaker is a small electronic device that's put inside the body to regulate the heartbeat.

5. Valve replacement. If a heart valve is damaged or isn't working, a surgeon can replace it.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for online medical clinic [http://www.online-medical-clinic.com/] and skin disorders. For more information visit our site at http://www.diseasestreatment.com

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Heart Disease - Know About Symptoms and Heart Care

Your heart, other than your brain, is the center of many body processes especially that it pumps the river of your life, your blood. When not taken care properly, you may contact or acquire a heart disease that could be a threat to your life.

What is heart disease?

Heart disease , also known as cardiovascular disease, is an umbrella term used to describe other ailments that affect the busiest muscle in the body, the heart. Mainly, it affects older people and is hereditary in nature. Heart diseases have become one of the major causes of deaths all over the world. Many of the variants of the disease are considered as "silent killers" because they show no visible symptoms especially those that are affected with high blood pressure.

Heart disease s are closely associated with blood pressure, cholesterol, hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes. The disease occurs when the heart and vessels of the blood are not working properly or are malfunctioning because of other factors like too much cholesterol, fatigue and improper diets.

Other Problems Related to Heart Disease

Many of the problems that go along with heart disease have to do with the arteries. Arteries are not the same with veins. They are muscular blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Arteriosclerosis or the hardening of the arteries is one of the complications of heart disease. The arteries become thick and no longer flexible that the blood could not flow smoothly.

Another problem is atherosclerosis. This occurs when there are plaque deposits caused by the buildup of cholesterol and far in the arteries. In turn, the arteries become narrow and the blood can not flow through. When the heart could not get enough blood to pump, a person is suffering from angina and could feel chest pain.

Two of the most deadly complication is heart attack and stroke. These two happens when the heart malfunctions. There is heart attack when a blood clots in the part of the heart. On the other hand, stroke happens when the brain is not able to get enough blood due to the clotting of blood or bursting of blood vessel.

Acquiring Heart Disease

Unlike diseases that are caused by virus or bacteria, heart disease is not contagious. Rather, there are risk factors that increase the chances of a person to acquire heart disease. One of these factors is old age. When people get older, the functioning of the heart could not be as healthy as it uses to be while we are young. The heart also deteriorates especially because of unhealthy lifestyle. As earlier said, heart disease is also hereditary. When you have family members who had the same problems, most likely you could also acquire the same.

However, some risk factors of heart disease are controllable. Among these factors are smoking, having high blood pressure, being overweight, and not exercising. These entire factors, if not monitored can contribute to having a heart disease.

Signs of Heart Disease

Heart disease s do not actually give visible symptoms or signs to people suffering it. Most of the time the disease is detected when the patient is already feeling chest pain or already had a heart attack of stroke.

To determine whether a person has a heart disease, one or a couple of the following procedure is initiated. Electrocardiogram records the electric activity of the heart. Through this test, the heart beating is determined when it is normal or not. Echocardiogram, on the other hand, uses sound waves that bounced off the parts of the heart. These waves create a picture of the heart, which is displayed in the monitor. With the stress test, some cables are connected to the body and to the electrocardiogram machine. The heart activity and how the muscles react while the patient exercise is being monitored. Catheterization locates the narrowed arteries through a long and thin tube that is inserted inside the body. This tube emits a special dye. Last is the carotid artery scan, which also uses sound waves to locate blockage in the carotid artery.

For more helpful information read about Home Remedies at Herbal Remedies website. Also read about Breast Enlargement Products.

Heart Disease - Signs of Heart Disease Problems

Heart attacks' warnings are so similar to other, more common problems that most people don't even notice they are being warned. It's not until after they have survived an attack that they think back to their body's failed attempt to warn them of danger.

The most commonly found culprit for a heart attack is a blood clot that has lodged itself in a narrowed artery and stopped the blood supply to the heart. If you have a clot, your only symptoms will be due to the reduction of the blood supply caused by the narrowing of your arteries where the clot has formed and become lodged.

Premature symptoms of heart disease and heart attack are the same, and both are hard to recognize. Its slow progression is the difficulty with heart disease; it causes you to grow accustomed to the symptoms, adapting to them even when they adversely affect your life, as you never consider that they are the symptoms of heart disease or a possible heart attack in the future. Shortness of Breath, Chest Discomfort, and Fatigue are the three primary early noticeable physical symptoms, though they may not all occur; they may not occur consistently, and, more than likely, they will not be severe in the beginning.

If you are like the vast majority of the people, you will probably think that your struggle to climb a flight of stairs is due to the fact that you're aging or simply worn out, but whatever insignificant excuse it may be, it could very well likely be as far from the real problem as possible. Lots of people have thought that exercise would be the best thing for them so that they could get into shape. But most of them put it on the bottom of their to do list and before they know it, they've grown accustomed to breathlessness and will consider it normal. Sadly, they learn to live with it as the way they are. The same applies for any tiredness or unpleasantly. You may even dismiss your own body's warnings as unimportant, and try to cope with discomfort, while these sensations are actually symptoms of disease.

Blood pressure is considered the only real indicator of heart disease. High blood pressure and heart disease have the same set of symptoms; therefore a blood pressure monitor is required to diagnose high blood pressure. Recent reports indicate that taking your blood pressure at home on a regular basis is a better indicator of your health than having a health professional take it once or twice a year, and you can do it yourself without the added cost.

You should purchase a monitor immediately if you do not already own one, and if you do then now is the perfect time to start!

Hector Milla at http://www.HeartDiseaseSympton.com shows information about Hearth Disease Symptoms, website associated with http://www.cancer-10.com

Heart Disease and Women - Heart Attack Warning Signs: They're Not Always What You'd Expect

We have all seen the movies where the actor clutches his chest and falls to the ground, a victim of a heart attack. Did you know that it doesn't always happen this way? Some people, many of them women, have no idea that they are having a heart attack because the symptoms simply don't fit the stereotypical view most of us have of what a heart attack is like.

Women are especially prone to having different symptoms and many times feel no chest pain at all. Even some emergency rooms don't immediately realize what is occurring in some patients. Women have even been turned away from emergency rooms because the symptoms are so unlike those of most men. A female friend recently had a heart attack and all the pain was concentrated in her jaw, no chest pain at any time! Luckily, the local hospital knew the signs for females.

The classic symptoms that we all know about include a great pressure or pain in the chest area that can extend to the left shoulder and arm. It may also spread to the neck and jaw area. Nausea, sweating and shortness of breath often accompany the chest pain. These are all quickly recognized as being the signs of a heart attack in progress. Quick medical attention is imperative!

But what if there is no chest pain? How can you recognize them so you can quickly get the attention you desperately need? Medical professionals and women themselves need to be aware of the common signs so they can act quickly to prevent further damage to the heart.

About half of women have no chest pain which is quite a surprising number. The most common signs are shortness of breath, feelings of extreme weakness, and great fatigue. Some women report that for several weeks before the heart attack they feel unusual fatigue and discomfort in the upper back.

Many females are misdiagnosed with gastrointestinal problems because only nausea or a feeling of indigestion might be present. Stomach pains may be felt as long as six weeks before the problem reveals itself, and shortness of breath can occur as well. These are common signs among women that a coronary artery is dangerously blocked.

Although warning signs may occur, the actual attack is usually more severe and the symptoms appear even while resting or sleeping. Time is of the essence, and there should be no delay in calling 911 to have an ambulance take you to the hospital. This is the best choice, as they can begin treating the heart attack immediately. Each minute of help improves the chances of minimizing heart damage.

Heart attacks in women can sometimes be difficult to detect. Now that you know these warning signs, they could very well save your life!

Monique Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality, natural, alternative health products to treat and prevent heart disease. To learn about how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally, visit her blog for weekly tips at heart disease and women

Heart Disease Causes - Is Your Personality a Factor?

It has been found that the traditional indicators of heart disease such as smoking, high cholesterol and high blood pressure account for about 50% of heart attacks. In trying to account for the rest the focus has moved to psychosocial factors - personality and behavior which give rise to stress hormones, chronic stress, Type A personality, anger, depression and social isolation not only have a direct negative effect on the cardiovascular system but they also increase the effects of other cardiac risk factors.

Chronic stress

Chronic stress is a common theme in modern living. Most people do not have sufficient time for their overcommitted, busy work and family lives. Uncontrolled stress has a significant effect on heart health. It:

increases heart rate and blood pressure,
increases cholesterol and homocysteine levels,
increases artery wall inflammation,
constricts the arteries which can result in a heart attack,
creates heart rhythm irregularities - which can trigger a sudden cardiac death and
increases blood clotting.

As well as these adverse factors people who are under stress tend to eat "fast food" which is often high in fat, lead sedentary lives, drink a lot of caffeine and smoke. If their weight increases so do their triglycerides and body mass index and this increases their chances of getting diabetes. There is a significant peak in the numbers of heart attacks that occur between 7 and 10 o'clock on a Monday morning. The number of heart attacks is low on Saturdays.

Personality types

Type A personality makes people prone to heart disease. It is characterised by hard driving, competitive people who feel they have to do everything themselves. They are involved in a struggle to get more and more done in less and less time, often against perceived opposition of either people or things. They make up about 50% of the population and are five to seven times more likely to have a heart attack than the more relaxed Type B personalities. It is believed that some particular components of the Type A personality are more closely linked to heart disease. These are anger and hostility. Research has recently started to look at the Type D personality - the "distressed" personality. The Type D person has negative feelings about virtually everything. It has been known for some time that negative emotions particularly depression significantly increase the risk of developing heart disease while lowering the long term survival of heart patients. However, new studies suggests that the pessimistic people, the negative thinkers - those who worry over trivial, every day events - are four times more likely to have a heart attack than more positive thinkers. There are a number of tests that have been developed to asses the propensity for Type A personality. The following is adapted from Pistcatella and Frankin (2003).

Read each of the statements below and grade yourself on how you would respond to each situation using the following scale.

1 = never, 2 = seldom, 3 = sometimes, 4 = usually, 5 = always

I become angry when I stand in line for more than 15 minutes.
I handle more than one problem at a time.
It's hard to find the time to relax and unwind during the day.
I become irritated and annoyed when someone speaks too slowly.
I try hard to win at sports and games.
I have trouble doing special things for myself.
I work much better when I am under pressure or have to meet a deadline.
When I loose at sports or games, I get angry with myself and or with others.
I find myself looking at my watch when I am sitting around and not active.
I bring work home with me.
I feel energised and exhilarated after being in a pressure situation.
I feel like I need to take charge in order to get things done.
I find myself eating quickly regardless of whether I have time to eat slowly or not.
I do things quickly regardless of whether I have time to do them slowly or not.
I interrupt what people are saying when I think they are wrong.
I'm inflexible and rigid when it comes to changes at work or at home.
I become jittery and need to move whenever I'm trying to relax.
I find myself eating faster than the people I am eating with.
At work I do more than one task at a time in order to feel productive.
I take less vacation time than I am entitled to.
I find myself being very picky and looking at the small details
I become annoyed at people who do not work as hard as I do.
I find that there aren't enough things to do during the day.
I spend a good deal of time thinking about my work.
I get bored very easily.
I'm active on weekend either doing work or projects.
I get into arguments with people who don't think my way.
I have trouble "going with the flow" whenever problems arise.
I interrupt someone's conversation in order to speed things up.
I take everything I do seriously.
100 to 150 points Type A personality

76 to 99 points Type A/B

30 to 75 points Type B

Scores of 90 or above are associated with a greater risk of heart problems.

Are you at increased risk? If you are then you need to take action. Develop a more relaxed attitude and routine -- I know (as a once upon a time Type A personality myself) that this is more easily said than done. However, there are some simple things that can help. These include making time each day to actually do some regular exercise and in particular using a relaxation audio as a way to calm down at the end of the day (or at any time that you are feeling stressed). These are particularly important -- but they are only the start of the adjustments that you may need to make.


Aesoph, L. 2001, 6 Steps for Handling Stress, Health World Online. June 2001.

Pistcatella, J.C. and Frankin, B.A. 2003, Take a Load off Your Heart. Workman.

Oberman, A. 2000, Emerging Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Clinical Reviews. Spring 2000.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking (Growerz.com can assist with becoming smoke free), cleansing their body, taking essential, non-contaminated vitamin and mineral supplements and many other methods, including herbal remedies. Join her free newsletter for more valuable health information.

Heart Disease Cure - You Need to Take Responsiblity For Reversing Heart Disease

The problem with a word like disease is that you tend to think that it is something that is like a germ or a virus that attacks your body. The word "disease" actually comes from the Old French word desaise, which means 'lack of ease'.

So Heart Disease is not something external that attacks you body - it is the result of YOUR day to day actions over a period of time.

The good news is that if heart disease is caused by you, it can therefore be controlled by you!

Yes in the advanced stages you may also need to take medication or have surgery, but even then, your actions play a massive part in your health.

There are just 4 Lifestyle Changes that you need to make

Eat Healthier

Exercise More

Drink Less

Stop smoking

These lifestyle changes cost nothing (in fact they may even save you money),

they are very simple,

they have no side effects

they have guaranteed success.

So if Heart Disease is controllable why is it on the increase?

Heart disease is a progressive disease that takes many years to reach the stage where it affects your quality of life. The effects are not visible and there are no symptoms in the early stages. If you are not aware that something is wrong then it is unlikely that you are going to do anything about it.

But Ignorance is not bliss - it is stupidity!

Whether you are aware or not , your arteries will continue to block. Then one day you have a heart attack or decide that you should consult a doctor because you can't climb a flight of stairs without getting breathless. All the years of unhealthy living have led to this point.

Any action that you take in any of the four areas will have a positive impact on your health. The more action you take, the more benefit you will achieve. The exciting thing is that the positive results are often noticeable almost immediately. For example reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet will reduce your weight, reduce your cholesterol, reduce your blood pressure, give you more energy and stop your doctor and your partner moaning at you all the time!!

The real problem is that unless you have been diagnosed with heart disease or a heart attack, you will not even read the advice about a healthy lifestyle. You will not even notice it, as you will not think that it applies to you!

You have no excuse - change your lifestyle or live with heart disease.


It's Your Heart!

It's Your Life!

It's Your Choice!

To find out more about symptoms of heart disease and the methods I have used to overcome heart disease since I suffered a heart attack in 1999 visit http://heart-attack-and-heart-disease.com

Heart Disease Diet - Your Heart Healthy Diet Begins Today

If you have heart problems and are looking to begin a heart healthy diet in your life, then the first place to take a look at is the foods in your kitchen. Are they heart healthy? Do they promote good cardiovascular health or are they contributors to poor circulation, sluggish metabolism, cholesterol buildup, heart disease, hypertension, or diabetes?

Let's begin with looking in the refrigerator. Forget the old advice that eggs and butter cause heart attacks. All the new research says they don't. The real culprits are partially hydrogenated oils and that is the main ingredient in margarine. Touted as heart healthy for years, it isn't. Wipe that concept out of your mind.

Margarine is unhealthy, get rid of it. It is best to replace margarine with real butter for buttering your toast and healthy oil like olive oil or coconut oil for cooking. Olive oil with herbs and garlic makes an excellent heart healthy dip for bread if you don't like butter.

Now look to see how many fresh fruits and vegetables are in the refrigerator. Don't see any? No diet that will enhance the cardiovascular system exists that doesn't emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables. These have been proven to not only support a well functioning cardiovascular system but also prevent cancer and aid the whole digestive system.

How about fresh fish? The Omega-3's in fish insure cardiovascular efficiency that not only improves heart heath but increases mental functioning too. Bacon, lunchmeats, and high fat meats probably are not something that should take a forefront in a heart promoting diet.

Now, what about your seasonings? Heavy on the salt and black pepper? That's going to change. Processed table salt needs to be replaced with either sea salt or rock salt. Both of these have the whole complement of trace elements found in natural seawater. The body needs these minerals and they are nutrients for the cardiovascular system. If you must use salt use natural salt such as sea salt. If you have already stopped using salt don't use a salt substitute, they are unhealthy and unnatural, your body doesn't know what to do with potassium chloride.

A much better choice is a good herb mix and cayenne pepper for a little kick. Many herbs support the cardiovascular system, lower blood pressure and strengthen the heart.

That's a start for today. It is time to begin analyzing your food choices, learning, and trying new foods and a new healthy heart diet to keep that heart happy and healthy.

Monique Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality, natural, alternative health products to treat and prevent heart disease. To learn about how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally, visit her blog for weekly tips at heart disease and women

Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness

Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness

Of all the problems that can affect physical or mental health, none is more common than thyroid gland disturbance. None is more readily and inexpensively corrected. And none is more often untreated, and even unsuspected.

Hypothyroidism -- low thyroid function -- is one of the gland disturbances that many people suffer from without even realizing it. It can be the cause of low energy or constant fatigue that is one of the most common complaints brought to doctors. It may be responsible for chronic headaches, repeated infections, unyielding skin problems, or circulatory difficulties. Even more frightening, it can be a major factor in heart disease, lung cancer, and emphysema. And it is responsible for many emotional and mental disturbances. Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness explains low thyroid function in easy, understandable language. It tells how it may be affecting your health and your life.

Dr. Broda Barnes and Lawrence Galton tell what the thyroid gland is, how it works, the problems its dysfunction can induce. They detail case histories of patients, often thought hopeless, whose problems were discovered to be related to hypothyroidism and were cured by Dr. Barnes's simple effective techniques. And they discuss whether you too may be hypothyroid, affected by a condition even a physician may not recognize.

Included is a simple test you can make at home to discover if hypothyroidism may be the real, previously unsuspected cause of your ill health.

If you know you are hypothyroid, Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness will answer your questions about your condition. If you suspect you maybe, if you are unsure what may be causing those chronic headaches, infections, fatigue and low energy, it may help you find the answer.

Price: $26.00

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Heart Disease in Women

When it comes to Diseases of The Heart, men usually come off worse than women. It seems that men have a much higher chance of developing the condition than women do though that is not to say that women do not develop the condition. They do, though most women who suffer form the condition are over a certain age.

Women and Diseases of The Heart

It is thought that in America there are eight million women living with Heart Disease and of those it is estimated that just over 400,000 women have heart attacks each year. The condition is in fact one of the most deadly and it is one of the biggest killers of women each year.

As mentioned the age of the woman does seem to make a difference. Once a woman has been through the menopause, the chances of her developing Heart Problems arise dramatically. Whilst men do have the highest chance of developing the condition, if they do have Diseases of The Heart and suffer a heart attack, the chances of them recovering are a lot better than if a woman suffering from the same condition had a heart attack.

In fact, it seems that Heart Disease in women is actually a lot more fatal than Heart Disease in men. As for how the condition develops, it is slightly different to how it develops within males.

In males the disease tends to develop in the main, larger coronary arteries, but with women it tends to develop in the smaller arteries. This could be the reason why there are more fatalities in women than in men. It seems that a complete lack of understanding does not help many women as they believe it will not affect them and if it does it is not particularly serious. So, just what can be done?

Well firstly women need to start taking care of themselves more. Smoking, eating unhealthily and a lack of exercise will not help so you need to choose a healthier lifestyle. Also, low cholesterol level needs to be kept so ensure that you have regular check ups with the doctor just to be sure!

Overall Heart Disease in women is a big problem despite people's lack of knowledge on the subject. Women do need to start thinking of their health and by choosing a healthier lifestyle they will be contributing towards preventing the condition. So, whilst Heart Disease tends to affect more men, it still affects women and it is often more deadly in women too.

Ernest is the owner of Heart Disease Today you can view the website at: http://www.HeartDiseaseToday.org, the site offers up-to-date information and tips about heart disease and many of the latest treatments.

Know Your Options: Sudden Cardiac Death, #1 Symptom of Heart Disease

Know Your Options: Sudden Cardiac Death, #1 Symptom of Heart DiseaseStroke, heart disease, and peripheral vascular conditions are all caused by formation of atheroma, or plaque, leading to arteriosclerosis. But plaque formation is the result of chronic inflammation and genetic predispositions. Most conventional treatments, however, are only band aid relief. Identifying genetic polymorphisms and implementing changes to reduce oxidative stress can effectively reduce and even reverse arteriosclerosis. In this video, the treatments and lifestyle modifications necessary for success will be discussed not only to treat, but to prevent heart disease.

Dr. Buttar's Clinic, Advanced Concepts in Medicine, the Center for Advanced Medicine, specializes in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease in patients who have failed conventional medical treatments. The clinic has also attracted international patients suffering from various other chronic diseases as well as "difficult to diagnose" medical conditions from all over, including Africa, Europe, Central/South America, Australia and Asia.

Price: $89.55

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Heart Disease is the Most Common Cause of Death in America Today

It has been long known that there is a very strong link between obesity and heart disease. The heavier that a person is, the more common it is for them to develop heart disease. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are two common risk factors of heart disease that are increased due to obesity.

There is a much more common occurrence of people that are overweight or obese in the United States today. Statistics have shown that almost two-thirds of the adults in America are overweight or obese. The more immediate concern is the fact that about 15% of American children and adolescents are overweight and there is another 15% that are at risk for being overweight.

Recently obesity in children is becoming more and more concerning. There are a substantial number of children that are obese and have started developing medical condition and diseases that are normally associated with adults. The smallest children are at risk of being overweight or obese. Approximately 10% of the preschoolers in America weigh more than they should for their age and body type.

There are a variety of medical conditions that many people can develop related to being overweight or obese. Some of these conditions include stroke,high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and many others. The most common condition, however, is heart disease. If you are overweight or obese, there is a very strong chance that you will develop this disease.

Heart disease is the most common cause of death in America today. In the United States, there is one person that is killed by the disease every thirty-four seconds. Heart disease is a term that relates to many different medical conditions and afflictions of the heart.

It is often much easier to just label it as heart disease than to get into the specific details and different ailments of this disease. Another reason for this is that there is usually more than one thing affecting the heart. There can be multiple conditions going on at once.

These conditions combine and attack the heart. It essentially becomes a diseased, poorly working organ. Eventually, the disease process completely takes over and death is imminent.

There are many ways to reduce the risk and to curb problems with obesity. Even losing as little as 10 pounds can lower your risks and actually start reversing health problems. There are many different programs and treatments available.

Some people are able to lose weight and become healthier through diet and exercise. However, in cases of extreme obesity, this often does not work. People that have severe obesity could need surgery or special procedures that are done by a doctor to be able to lose the weight.

There are also pills and other medications that can help with obesity. The important thing is to find a way to lose the weight. This is the only way to reduce the health risks. It will put less stress on the body and the heart. With this stress decreased, the body can start healing itself.

For more information on how to prevent a heart disease and to avoid heart attack,please feel free to visit my free website at:

Heart Disease Risk Factors

There are some heart disease risk factors that you can control and others you can not. Heart disease causes roughly 1.2 million heart attacks each year. Around 40% of those people will die while suffering an attack. With that statistic alone, isn't it time you did your part in trying to control the common risk factors that you can control?

Things that are uncontrollable are: male sex, older age, family history, post-menopausal, and race. Every race does is susceptible to the condition, but African Americans, American Indians, and Mexican Americans are at a higher risk of getting the disease than Caucasians.

There are several risk factors for heart disease which every person can control. Any person can reduce risks by making changes in their lifestyle. The controllable factors are: do not smoke, improve cholesterol levels, control high blood pressure, control diabetes, be active, eat right, manage stress, and achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

The most preventable high risk activity is to smoking cigarettes. If you do smoke, quit now. Smokers are known to have twice the risk of developing the condition and sustaining a heart attack than people who do not smoke. Eating healthy food is another controllable factor, especially when it is a diet low in cholesterol and saturated and trans fats. This kind of diet will improve your cholesterol levels.

Also, when another condition such as diabetes isn't controlled properly, it can lead to heart disease and heart attacks. Having control over diabetes will lower a person's risk of developing heart problems. Be active, eat right, and achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Every person should exercise at a moderate rate for 30 minutes a day at least 3-4 times a week. Being active leads to eating healthy which then leads to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Being able to control heart disease risk factors will definitely reduce the risk of getting heart disease even for those who may be predisposed to the condition through heredity.

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Heart Disease Risk Factors and Prevention

Causes of Coronary Heart Disease

Many people believe eating high cholesterol foods which are solid at room temperature will cause this fat to wind up in your blood and stick to your arteries, theorizing that since saturated fats are solid outside your body, they will be solid inside your body too. In actuality, atherosclerotic plaque accumulates behind the layer of the artery, not in it, and the cholesterol and fat within it is engulfed in white blood cells. It is now thought that the root cause behind coronary heart disease is inflammation, not lipids and that this form of heart disease is degenerative, not infiltrative.

Atherosclerosis is largely driven by the degeneration of lipids which infiltrate the blood vessel and thereby cause inflammation. This is the process in which fatty deposits build up in the inner lining of arteries. In addition, there is also research that indicates an infection - possibly one caused by a bacteria or a virus - might contribute to or even cause atherosclerosis.

The main determinant of plaque rupture according to the current scientific literature is the balance between collagen degradation and collagen synthesis. Collagen synthesis requires vitamin C. Atherosclerosis itself probably diminishes the quality of life by impeding blood flow and blood vessel function, but it clearly does not inexorably lead to heart attacks. The reason why atherosclerosis produces heart attacks in humans might be that humans do not get enough vitamin C.

C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the acute phase proteins that increase during systemic inflammation. Testing CRP levels in the blood may be helpful in determining cardiovascular disease risk.

Current Treatments/Preventions

Allopathic medicine considers high blood cholesterol levels to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease, and prescribes statin drugs to lower blood cholesterol levels. Statin drugs work by blocking the action of the liver enzyme that is responsible for producing cholesterol. This can cause a host of problems, since your body needs cholesterol to perform certain vital functions. In fact, lowering one type of cholesterol, HDL, can be bad for your heart.

The most common statin side effects include headache, difficulty sleeping, flushing of the skin, muscle aches, tenderness, or weakness, drowsiness/weakness, dizziness, nausea and/or vomiting, abdominal cramping and/or pain, bloating and/or gas, diarrhea, constipation, rash, cognitive problems and peripheral neuropathy, pain or numbness in the extremities like fingers and toes, irregular heartbeats, elevated blood glucose, tendon problems and myositis, which is inflammation of the muscles or other, more serious muscle conditions such as myalgias. Statin drugs may also predispose many people to serious muscle and kidney problems, potentially deadly heart arrhythmias and a host of other health problems.

Statins cause this long list of side effects because they cause injury to the mitochondria. They generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used as a source of cells' chemical energy. With injured mitochondria, the body produces less energy and more "free radicals" are produced which cause many of the conditions listed above.

As they block the production of cholesterol in the body, statins also block the production of much of the body's coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q10), a compound important to the process of making energy within mitochondria and also to stopping free radical damage. In addition, statins reduce the very blood cholesterol that is needed to carry Co-Q10 and other fat-soluble antioxidants throughout the body.

"The loss of coenzyme Q10 leads to loss of cell energy and increased free radicals which, in turn, can further damage mitochondrial DNA," Dr. Golomb explained in the press statement. She added that statins may cause additional mitochondrial problems over time, leading to new adverse effects the longer a person takes the drugs. Hypertension and diabetes are independently linked to higher rates of mitochondrial problems and associated with a higher risk of statin complications, too.

Natural Prevention

In addition to the list of adverse health effects of statin drugs listed above, the main danger people face when they start cholesterol lowering medicationis thinking that they need do nothing else except take the pills.

Instead of taking statin drugs, there are many natural ways to lower blood cholesterol levels. You can positively affect your cholesterol through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking. The most important step you can take is to make these lifestyle changes permanent, not just a short term fix until the numbers look good.

Exercise is a very effective means of lowering cholesterol and other forms of heart disease. Any form of aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, bicycling and swimming can help lower heart diseaserisk. To be most effective, practice some form of exercise for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.

Exercise is also beneficial for increasing shear stress. Since the average shear stress over time seems to be the critical factor, exercise might help prevent atherosclerosis by decreasing the permeability of the endothelium and increasing nitric oxide production in those areas of the blood vessels where the resting level of shear stress is insufficient for protection.

If you weigh more than you should, losing weight can significantly decrease your cholesterol level. Research suggests that being overweight disrupts the normal metabolism of dietary fat. So even though you may be eating less fat, you may not see a difference in your cholesterol profile until you shed excess weight.

Learn the difference between unhealthy saturated and trans fats, and healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Peanut butter, avocados, olive oil, and most nuts are mostly monounsaturated fat. Research has shown that monounsaturated fat can help lower LDL and triglycerides (another type of blood fat) while raising HDL. It's a much healthier choice than saturated fat, found primarily in animal products -- meats, butter, full-fat milk and cheese. Saturated fat can elevate your cholesterol level more than anything else you might eat.

Also included in the good fats category are the omega-3 fatty acids, found in abundance in fish such as mackerel, albacore tuna, and salmon. Be sure to only eat wild caught fish, as farm raised fish are lacking in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s appear to lower levels of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides. Studies have shown that when people cut back on saturated fat and consumed more fish oil, their LDL dropped.

Eating lots of soluble fiber will lower cholesterol by binding with cholesterol-containing bile acids in the intestines and escorting them out of the body. Eating about 15 g of soluble fiber a day can lower LDL cholesterol by 5 to 10 percent. Fruit and vegetables contain high fiber content and almost no cholesterol at all. Fruit and veggies are also good for overall health, promote digestive health and are low in calories.

One kind of soluble fiber, pectin, not only lowers cholesterol but also helps curb overeating by slowing the digestive process. Eat apples and other pectin-rich fruits to eat less, lose weight, and naturally control your cholesterol. Also, foods high in fiber tend to be low in saturated fat and cholesterol, as well as calories.

Other foods which help to lower cholesterol naturally include garlic, flax seed, green tea, oats and nuts. Analyze your diet to identify nutritional gaps. A natural, plant based multivitamin/mineral supplement can fill in these nutritional gaps and may even lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Be sure to eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C or take a vitamin C supplement, to prevent atherosclerosis.

As much as possible, reduce stress in your life because stressand the emotions it triggers (tension, anxiety, anger, depression) in turn trigger the release of chemicals that constrict arteries, reduce blood flow to the heart, raise blood pressure, and elevate your heart rate. These changes, in combination with uncontrolled cholesterol, can put you on course for a heart attack. Also, when you're tense and anxious, you're less likely to stick to the lifestyle habits that help lower cholesterol in the first place.

This article on heart disease risk factors and prevention methods was written to help you determine your best course for a long life with a healthy heart.

Author: Mary Ann MacKay
Mary Ann MacKay promotes health education on her website http://www.healthwellnessconnection.com.

Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life-- and How YouCan Get Back on Track

Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life-- and How YouCan Get Back on TrackA provocative expos? of the negative effects of sugars and simple carbs-and how to break the addiction.

Most readers already know that succumbing to sweets too often can lead to obesity and diabetes. What many don't know, however, is that too many "quickie carbs" can bring on a host of other maladies-such as "brain fog," fatigue, mood swings, heart disease, and even cancer-from which millions may be suffering because of their sugar or carbohydrate habits. Once besieged by 44 seemingly unconnected symptoms, former "sugar addict" Connie Bennett, an experienced journalist, managed to kick sweets and simple carbs in 1998. She improved her health-and uncovered extensive medical research that substantiated her theory: people who eat too many low-caliber culprit carbs could be in sugar shock. Based on the insights of thousands of physicians, nutritionists, researchers, and "sugar sufferers" worldwide, SUGAR SHOCK!(tm) not only addresses how badly sugar affects the body, it demonstrates how everyone can kick the sugar habit.

Price: $16.00

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Heart Disease Treatments Explained

Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is a term that is used to describe a wide range of medical conditions that affect the heart or the cardiovascular system. When you are diagnosed with one of the conditions, it means that your heart and arteries are not in top physical shape and your risk is much higher for medical problems like a heart attack or stroke. This is why it is important to seek effective heart disease treatments, like medications that will help to keep your cardiovascular system in good working condition and prevent future problems from occurring.


Beta blockers are considered one of the effective heart disease treatments because they slow the heart and lower blood pressure so the heart does not have to work so hard. This medication is often used for patients with high blood pressure and to prevent a second heart attack.


This medication is also known as water pills because it rids the body of excess fluid. This can allow blood to flow more freely through the vessels, putting less strain on the heart. Diuretics are a popular form of heart disease treatment that is often prescribed first when high blood pressure is diagnosed. Sometimes diuretics are used with other forms of heart disease treatments for maximum benefit.

Cardiovascular disease is a scary condition to be diagnosed with, because it can greatly increase your chances of other medical problems like heart attack and stroke. However, with the right heart disease treatments you can get your condition under control and prevent problems in the future.

Nitrates and Calcium Channel Blockers

These medications are effective heart disease treatments because they relax the blood vessels to relieve chest pain and bring high blood pressure down. Patients who suffer with angina often keep nitroglycerin (one form of nitrate) handy in case they experience chest pain. Others will take calcium channel blockers to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of other conditions associated with hypertension.


One of the most common types of heart disease treatments is inexpensive and can be purchased over the counter. Low dose aspirin has been found to reduce the incidence of a second heart attack in those who have already experienced one. It is often recommended as one of the heart disease treatments as well, although the FDA has not approved it for this purpose. Aspirin can help to keep arteries open for blood to move through freely, but it is not right for everyone. Talk to your doctor about whether the risks will outweigh the benefits.

Jessie has been writing since 4 years ago. She is not only writing on the topic of dieting, but also dating, fitness and weight loss. You should check out her latest site on Hepa Canister Vacuum which reviews and discuss about why everyone loves Hand Held Vacuum Cleaners.

The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living

The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living

Completely revised and updated-Jack Challem's powerful plan to safely prevent and overcome inflammatory disorders

Inflammation is what happens when our body's own defenses turn on us-and it is a huge and growing problem. Written by the author of the groundbreaking Syndrome X, this essential updated edition of The Inflammation Syndrome draws on cutting-edge research conducted around the world to provide a revolutionary approach to healing inflammation-related problems through an easy-to-follow nutrition and supplement program.

  • Includes new recommendations for individualized diet and supplement plans

  • Presents fourteen steps for restoring dietary balance, plus recipes and menu plans

  • Reveals the powerful role inflammation plays in a wide variety of common health conditions–from simple aches and pains to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, and athletic injuries

  • Features dramatic case histories and the latest information on dosage recommendations for anti-inflammation supplements such as fish oils, vitamins, and herbs

  • Other books by Jack Challem: Syndrome X, The Food-Mood Solution, Feed Your Genes Right, and Stop Prediabetes Now

Read The Inflammation Syndrome and learn just how easy it can be to take charge of your diet and health.

Price: $14.95

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Heart Diseases Warning Signs - Tips on Prevention

What are the Causes of Coronary Heart Disease? Warning signs are the things that we need to know to prevent more serious complications like heart attack, and stroke. A heart attack occurs when the part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies because they don't receive the required oxygen. Oxygen is carried to the heart by arteries (blood vessels). Heart attacks are usually caused by blockage in the arteries. Heart disease can also be caused by a blood clot that get stuck in a narrow part of an artery to the heart. This usually from where the atherosclerosis has made an artery more narrow. We can notice if we will be having a heart attack by using this guidelines like feeling of pressure or crushing pain in the chest, sometimes with sweating, nausea and vomiting. The feeling of pain that extends from the chest and radiates into the jaw, left arm or left shoulder. Feeling of tightness in the chest and shortness of breath that last for more than a couple of seconds.

Don't ever ignore the pain or discomfort, get help immediately if you think that you are having heart problems or a heart attack. If ever that you are having heart disease like heart attack, call for an health care provider.

While waiting for the medical team, chew one regular tablet of aspirin but do not take it if you have allergy with it. In the hospital they might give the patient a "clot busters" this is the one use to reopen the arteries very fast. IV line will be placed in the left arm for the medications. An electrocardiogram will also be performed and they will give the client an oxygen and watch the heart rate and rhythm on the monitor.

It is very important to be aware about the risk factors and causes of coronary heart disease. These are smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, family history of heart disease, race like African Americans. Hardening of he arteries or atherosclerosis, lack of exercise, stress, obesity and sex wherein the male is more at risk in having heart disease. Heart diseases can be avoided by cessation of smoking, eating a healthy diet, controlling the blood sugar for diabetes patients, exercising, losing weight for those who are overweight and controlling the blood pressure for hypertensive.

Here are the list of signs that should not be ignored:

- Angina- This is the feeling of pain that appears with exertion, tightness, pressure, stress and it usually disappears with rest. The location where the client usually felt it is in the chest, throat, upper abdomen and arms.
- Shortness Of Breath- difficulty in breathing, this occur whether you are exerting yourself, at rest or asleep.
- Edema- this is the swelling of the ankles, usually occurs at the end of the day.
- Palpitations- forceful, rapid, or irregular heartbeat
- Fatigue- A decreased in ability to exercise and easily to be tired.
- Fainting- sudden loss of consciousness or light headedness.

The Causes of Coronary Heart Disease are many fold. Keep yourself fit and eat a healthy diet and help yourself avoid the signs of heart failure.

Charles Wainwright is an acknowledged expert in the field of Heart Health. He focuses especially on the effects of cholesterol on diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system including high blood pressure, strokes, coronary heart disease and heart attacks. For more information please visit the Causes of Coronary Heart Disease and the Signs of Heart Failure.

The Magnesium Miracle

The Magnesium Miracle“Magnesium is indeed the unsung hero and is a key nutriceutical that everybody needs to know about. . . . This book needs to be read by any individual wishing to improve their quality of life. . . . Dr Dean has the best credentials in bringing solutions to those suffering from the hidden magnesium disorders that affect most of us.”
Author of Lower Your Blood Pressure in Eight Weeks

More than seventy-five years ago, medical scientists declared magnesium to be an essential nutrient, indispensable to life. When this mineral is part of your diet, you are guarding against–and helping to alleviate–health threats such as heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and asthma. But while research continues to reaffirm magnesium’s irreplaceable contribution to good health, many Americans remain dangerously deficient.

In The Miracle of Magnesium, Dr. Carolyn Dean, an authority on this mineral who has used it with dramatic success in her own practice, explains the vital role that magnesium plays in the control of many serious ailments–from painful muscle spasms and bladder problems to traumatic brain injury and complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Inside you will discover

• How diets and lifestyles can create a dangerous magnesium deficiency
• Which magnesium-rich foods keep your vital organs healthy and which to avoid
• Why other nutrients, including calcium, need magnesium to become potent
• What vitamins and minerals work with magnesium to treat specific ailments
• Why prescription medicines, such as birth control pills, can deplete magnesium
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Whether you need help with a serious health problem or merely want to protect the good health you already enjoy, The Miracle of Magnesium will answer all your questions. It may even save your life.

Price: $16.00

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Understanding Cardiovascular Disease in Women

Understanding Cardiovascular Disease in WomenCardiovascular disease kills more American women than all forms of cancer combined, yet the perception remains that cardiovascular disease is a greater threat to men's health. This program focuses on the risks women face with cardiovascular disease, ways of reducing these risks, as well as new wide-ranging treatments for heart disease. Dr. Robert Robbins, MD, and Dr. Marcia Stefanick, Ph.D, deliver cutting-edge information on the state of research, the newest studies, and the latest treatments for cardiovascular disease in women. Dr. Robbins is the Director of the Stanford Institute for Cardiovascular Medicine. The Institute fosters and expands upon ongoing research, from the genetics and development of cardiovascular diseases to novel techniques for transplantation and restoring damaged heart tissue. Dr. Stefanick is a professor (research) of medicine at Stanford University Medical Center. She has directed several major studies focusing on women's health, including WHEL (Women's Healthy Eating and Living) and PEPI (Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions, and was chair of the steering committee of the landmark Women's Health Initiative.

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Parvaid - All-Natural Parvo Aid for Dogs (1oz)Parvaid: ULTRA CONCENTRATED! An aid for Parvo, vomiting, diarrhea (bloody), loss of appetite, gas, bloat and intestinal cramping. This formula can also be used as a preventative to stimulate and support the immune system when a dog may have been exposed to any health threatening condition (rather like an all natural "herbal immunization").

Price: $45.97

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Symptoms Of Heart Disease - The Masters of Disguise

Statistic after statistic shows that heart disease is on the increase and yet most of us do not recognize the symptoms of heart disease.

The term Heart Disease covers a number of more specific diseases, which affect either the heart itself or the arteries supplying blood to the heart. However the common factor in 99% of heart disease is that it is progressive, and normally only comes to light when it is at an advanced stage or after a heart attack.

So although you may have heart disease and your arteries are becoming more and more blocked day-by-day it will take years to get to a stage that will cause problems in your day-to-day life. The early Symptoms Of Heart Disease will be so subtle that you will not be aware of them. As your arteries become more and more blocked your blood pressure will increase but this will not show as a physical symptom either. So now your arteries are blocking and your blood pressure is increasing, your heart is having to work harder to pump your blood around your body. But still you are unlikely to have any symptoms. You are blissfully unaware of what is going on in your body!

When you think of Heart Disease you probably think of something dramatic; someone who is so ill that they are severely restricted in what they can do; someone with angina pain; someone needing an operation; someone on daily medication.

The reality is that because the disease progresses so slowly, the symptoms in the early stages are very subtle. As your arteries narrow and your heart works harder then you may find that you feel tired or that you get breathless. You may only notice this when you are climbing stairs or walking briskly, but if it is unusual then you need to get yourself checked over.

However instead of consulting your doctor you are more likely to think that it is due to your being overweight or being unfit. You ignore these warning signs, you don't change anything in your life and your arteries continue to narrow! If you take action in the early stages then you should be able to slow down or even stop the progression of any heart disease.

One of the most accurate indicators of the onset of heart disease is your blood pressure. A home blood pressure monitor is one of the best investments you can make in your health.. If you get into the habit of taking your blood pressure on a regular basis then you will notice if the readings are getting higher and you can consult your medical advisor.

Heart disease is preventable and controllable, but only if you realize that you have it!

Don't take risks take action!


It's Your Heart!

It's Your Life!

It's Your Choice!

To find out more about symptoms of heart disease and the methods I have used to overcome heart disease since I suffered a heart attack in 1999 visit http://heart-attack-and-heart-disease.com

The Effects of Kidney and Heart Disease

Good health is something you cannot take for granted; thus, constantly maintaining it by eating well, exercising, and having regular check ups is what every one of us must strive for.

All our body parts and organs are vital for a happy existence; however, the heart is one of the most important organs, without which living is not possible. When faced with heart disease, treatment can be challenging, but when heart problems combine with another major organ failure, there can be fatal consequences.

Kidney and Heart Disease

Renal and coronary artery disease may progress parallel to each other, and there are many heart related diseases that affect the kidney, as well.

Kidney's function is to filter wastes and excrete fluid by using the bloodstream's own natural pressure. There are a number of causes that can trigger damage to the kidneys, and some of them are:

- Decreased blood flow, which is usually caused by clogged arteries that, in turn, will cause a kidney and heart disease.

- Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) - this may occur when tissues are not getting enough oxygen or when the renal artery is blocked or narrowed.

- Over-exposure to metals, solvents, radiographic contract materials, and certain types of medications.

- Myoglobin in the urine (myoglobinuria) - this condition occurs when one consumes excessive amounts of alcohol, tissue death of muscles for any given cause, or other disorders.

- Direct kidney injury.

- Infections such as acute septicemia.

- Blood disorders, which affect the heart and can lead into a joint kidney and heart disease.

There are many other causes, which can lead to the deadly combination of kidney and heart disease. You need to do everything in your power in order to avoid this dangerous duo attack. It is more than likely that in a situation where you are faced with kidney and heart disease at the same time that the outcome is fatal.

Prevention is Better Than a Cure

The only way to prevent a double failure of your body's systems is to be constantly aware of your health's situation by conducting regular check ups with your doctor and following his/her advice.

Knowing in time that you are in danger of some major failure, or that you will be faced with a serious disease should you not take precautions right away, will help save your life. Most people who have heart attacks never suspected one and usually end up in emergency room in a critical state. Take charge of your life and take care of your health today.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Heart Diseases and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Heart Disease web site. For more articles and resources on Heart Disease related topics, Congenital Heart Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, Heart Disease symptoms and treatments and much more visit his site at:


Warning - Ignore Heart Disease At Your Peril!

The Heart Disease Hit List

FACT - Heart disease is the biggest killer in the western world, and has been for more than a century.

FACT - Heart disease related deaths account for more than a third of deaths.

FACT - A large percentage of heart attack victims die before they reach hospital.

FACT - The first sign of heart disease that many heart attack victims notice is sudden excruciating pain followed by death.

Shocked yet? You should be! In-fact we all should be. Many people ignore the occasional chest pain, the twinge in the arm or shoulders after a meal etc, and take no interest in reversing heart disease. Feeling safe in the knowledge that if they have a heart problem they'll go to the hospital and get fixed up; maybe take steps toward reversing heart disease through lifestyle changes if the doc says so. Sounds like a good plan huh? Unfortunately as the above statistics clearly show, the plan can fail with tragic consequences, which could be avoided by reversing heart disease through a change of lifestyle.

Reversing heart disease should be of prime importance to every adult in the western world. Poor lifestyle and complacency are sadly all too closely linked to the heart disease death rate. Check out the chilling statistics and you'll find that the heart disease death rates are similar in every western country, and yet the majority of people are still complacent about the dangers associated with this silent killer.

The main risk factors are:

High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Sedentary Lifestyle

Combine a few, or perhaps all of these risk factors and you have a lethal time-bomb ticking away inside of you, with prevention being the best solution by reversing heart disease through lifestyle changes. Most of the major risk factors are silent. They must be sought actively, and much of the responsibility for their detection, and reversing heart disease lies with each of us as individuals. Regular checkups are particularly necessary if there is a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels or diabetes.

There has been a slight decline in the death rate from heart disease over the last two decades as a portion of the population has heeded the warning and taken steps to modify their lifestyle to reduce the risk factors and thus reversing heart disease that would otherwise have progressed within their bodies. Despite this decline however, the death rate is still far too high.

Another worrying problem is the high obesity rate among the young population today and its associated health problems, of which heart disease is only one. Many nutritionists and scientist believe this generation of adults will be among the first to outlive their children, a terrible thought for any parent. This highlights the importance of reversing heart disease factors for ourselves as well as our children through education and encouraging the whole family to get involved in making positive changes to diet and lifestyle.

As with many other degenerative diseases of our society, heart disease is best prevented; rather than trying to gamble on surviving your first wakeup call. Heart disease prevention is best approached by taking steps toward reversing heart disease gradually and always under a doctor's supervision. Educating yourself is also a smart course of action for reversing heart disease and specialist information will always have significantly more effective results. Heart disease is no joke; it's a matter of life and death!

© 2006 Colin L Wolfenden

Finally! How to Reverse or Prevent Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery. [http://www.impressiveebooks.com/heart]

Colin L Wolfenden is webmaster for http://www.impressiveebooks.com and http://www.my-resource.com.

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