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Heart Disease Causes - The Link Between Stress and Heart Disease

There are many lifestyle factors which cause heart disease.This particular cause seems to be one of those common knowledge assertions: that stress can cause heart disease. Although this is a general belief, there really isn't much medical literature related to the connection between emotional stress and cardiovascular disease. At least, not until recently.

The body's reaction to a stressful event is programmed into us to save our lives. Over the long course of human evolution, finding yourself in a potentially dangerous situation demanded an adrenaline surge allowing the body to respond in a quick and powerful way. We still have that response, although much of what triggers it is no longer life-threatening wild beasts!

An overdue bill, an annoying phone call, a cranky boss, all can trigger the body's fight or flight response causing the adrenaline to flow. Over time, this can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system including high blood pressure and a weakened heart.

What is interesting is that although we may all share the fight or flight response to similar events, each person reacts in a different way. Our distant ancestors went into a fast sprint to avoid the danger, dissipating the effect. Today, many internalize their fear or frustration and have no healthy way to get rid of the anger, the fear, and the anxiety of modern life.

There is also a connection between damage to the cardiovascular system and the exact type of emotional stress. Those that suffer the most damage are the people who feel they have little to no control over their situation, whether it is personal or workplace. Although a clerk may have little actual control over their workplace situations, they can try to have mental control over their reactions by looking at the whole situation in a different light. Rather than taking everything so seriously, a lighter mood and a feeling of less desperation can be achieved by mentally stepping back from the situation. It is like the old "go with the flow" attitude, easing back a little and not fighting the situation.

Studies are showing that people undergoing the exact same type of stress react differently, and the way they react influences a host of biochemical reactions in the body. Remember the Type A personality that is characterized by impatience and a chronic sense of urgency? These are the people who have a higher risk of artery disease and subsequent heart problems. The more patient Type B personality has a less urgent view of time, is less competitive, and less easily angered.

Avoiding stress may be an impossible goal, but dealing differently with everyday stress can be a life-saving goal. If you find yourself impatient in a line or traffic jam, try looking at it as a time to relax instead. After all, while you are stuck in line you really have nothing to do, you can just stand there and relax for a moment while taking a few deep breaths before the line moves along and you have to get back to work on something. Those few moments relaxing and deeply breathing can lower blood pressure, reduce your heart rate, and refresh your mind.

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Heart Health: Everything You Need to Know

There are so many factors that contribute to heart health-even more than often advertised. Yes, we know of the usual genetics and overall health, but there are a great many things that you can do to improve your heart health-things that may even override those factors which you cannot control-heredity, environmental factors, etc.

First, let us look at those factors which are beyond our control. You cannot very well control your family's medical history, or your genes. If you have a family history of heart disease, you are automatically on a course to develop the disease yourself. However, much of the reason that multiple generations in a family have a particular condition is that the family chooses lifestyle habits that make them more prone to a certain disease. These lifestyle habits are learned by the kids in the family, who in turn teach their kids, and the pattern continues. So while you cannot control your family's lifestyle choices or medical history, you can choose to life more healthily today than your parents did in the past. You can choose to reverse those bad eating habits and lifestyle habits of your youth, and live better today.

Your gender is another thing that cannot truly be changed. We all know that certain operations can alter the appearance of a person, and seem to alter their gender, but the chromosomes and DNA which either makes you a man or a woman will never suddenly reverse. Men have been shown to have higher incidences of heart attack than women, and they also have the heart attacks earlier in life than do women. Therefore, men must especially watch their heart health, even earlier in life, to ensure a long, healthy life. Women, on the other hand, while they have heart attacks less frequently than men, and later on in life than men, have a higher chance of dying from those heart attacks, especially after menopause. So it is also equally important for women to carefully watch their heart health and choose healthy lifestyle choices.

Heredity is the last factor that is unchangeable. Like it or not, we cannot change from African descent to French, or from Norwegian descent to Mexican. Certain nationalities have sometimes shown a predilection for certain conditions and diseases. For example, those of Asian or Caucasian descent have a lower chance of developing heart disease as opposed to people of Mexican, Polynesian, and Native American descent. African Americans have an increased risk of high blood pressure when compared to Caucasian Americans, and thus have a higher chance of developing heart disease. This factor, heredity, cannot be changed, but at the same time, it may be the lifestyle of those nationalities which increases their risk of disease. An excellent example of this is the Japanese, who typically have lower blood pressure and chances of heart disease than Americans. This is usually accredited to their high intake of sea vegetables, which are among the healthiest foods available.

Now that you know the unchangeable factors of heart disease in your life, it is important to focus on what you can do to prevent or treat heart disease.

Heart failure is the final result of heart disease, but there are many signs and conditions that will show themselves before heart failure occurs. Among these are high blood pressure, or hypertension; obesity; high cholesterol levels; and diabetes. These symptoms, or conditions, are now being grouped together and called "Syndrome X". Syndrome X is being exploited as an incurable, unpreventable disease that Americans develop, and which requires drugs to heal. That simply isn't the case, though. All of those conditions are preludes to heart disease, and through healthy lifestyle and eating habits are very preventable and treatable.

Most likely, the first thing you will need to do is to lose weight. Almost 90 million American adults are considered obese, which is having a BMI of 30 or higher. That doesn't include the millions of American adults who are overweight, or those who have a BMI of 25 or higher, which is estimated at 30% of the population. Seventeen percent of adolescents are considered overweight as well. So out of the approximately 300 million Americans currently residing in the United States, 180 million of them are either overweight or obese. This figure is well over half of all Americans. With this enormous number of Americans overweight, or extremely overweight, not only are diseases on the rise, but the lifestyle of Americans in changing drastically as well. On a whole, we are becoming more sedentary, less active, and yet eat more than necessary. The growing number of office or internet based jobs are supporting the sedentary lifestyle of Americans, and in a country that hardly ever stops, fast food, high in calories and deficient in nutrients, is supporting the obesity rate as well.

A change needs to occur in order to promote longevity in the lives of Americans. The old mantra, eat less, exercise more, can be very unappealing, but can literally save your life, by helping you to shed those extra pounds, strengthen your heart and lungs, and improve blood circulation. The fact is, though, that you cannot simply "eat less", you must eat better. That means less fatty, "junk" foods, and more whole grains, vegetables, lean meats and fruit. Do you ever wonder why this is important, though? If it provides your body with energy, why would it matter what it is made of, right? The truth is that there are many different components to nutrition, and everything you eat should be for a purpose.

The foods you eat should promote alkalinity. A byproduct of every single function in cells and of cells is acid. Acid, though, will harm your cells if left in the body. To counteract this, it is important to eat lots of alkaline foods, as alkalinity is the opposite of acidity. As you put more alkaline foods into your body, the alkalinity will counteract the acidity and cause a balance in your body. If you put acidic foods into your body, such as coffee, soda, fried foods, etc, then the acid will only build up and cause sickness. As a natural preventative to acid destroying cells, the body builds special fat cells which hold the acid away from other cells and organs, thus protecting your body. However, when your body protects you in this way, it is increasing the number of fat cells, which promotes weight gain. Eating lots of green, chlorophyll-heavy foods is an effective tool against fighting acidity in the body.

The foods you eat should promote muscle gain. It is important to eat lean, low fat meats in order to give your body the amino acids it needs to build muscle. That's not to say that if you are not concerned with having big muscles you should avoid meat. Having muscle in the body is beneficial not only with movement and strength within the body, but also with fat burning, as having more muscle will result in a higher metabolic rate. Having more muscle promotes a leaner look, while keeping you strong and fit.

The foods you eat should promote cellular activity. Cells, as the foundation upon which your body is made, need to be healthy in order to complete the various necessary tasks to keep your body functioning and healthy. Cells do everything for your body, including receiving nutrition, helping to excrete waste, participating in enzymatic reactions. If you think your organs do much for you, just remember that your organs are made of cells, and thus, it is really your cells working together that allows your body to function properly.

In addition to adopting more healthy eating habits, it is important to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Note, daily, not weekly. You should be getting about thirty minutes of exercise every day in some form, whether it be strength training, cardio exercise, or aerobics. You should be rotating the type of exercise you do every day. For example, you might do aerobics and strength training with your arms on one day, cardio and stretching the next, and aerobics with leg strength training the next. Keep rotating so as to get three or four days of aerobics a week as well as strength training with every part of your body at least once a week.

We do not only strength training, but also aerobics, cardio, and stretching for a reason. If you only did strength training, day after day, sure, you may have great muscles and a high metabolism, but you will also have very weak lungs and a weak heart, which in the end will not benefit you much at all. For that reason, we incorporate many difference exercise techniques into the routine, to keep your body's overall health at an optimum. Exercise benefits your overall body in numerous ways, not only building your stamina and endurance, but helping to lower your cholesterol, fight diabetes and high blood pressure, and reduce overall body weight.

Diet and exercise are two factors that need to be carefully watched when heart health is a concern. Today, however, much of America's food, even fresh food, is almost nutritionally empty. It is for this reason that many people are deficient in necessary vitamins and minerals. In fact, a great majority of Americans are nutritionally deficient. You may want to consider using supplements to keep your body healthy. Vitamins that you would normally be getting through your food that are great for heart health include vitamin E, C, and B. Studies have shown that those who supplement with vitamin E show a 40% decrease in chance of developing heart disease. This is due not only to the fact that vitamin E is an antioxidant, but it also keeps blood cells from "sticking" to each other and clogging arteries, and also prevents artery damage. It is important to remember that vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, and therefore depends on fat to be absorbed. This isn't to say that you should eat a hamburger with your vitamin E supplement, but taking the supplement when eating a meal that uses olive oil or another "healthy fat" is beneficial. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that works with Vitamin E and keeps blood vessels healthy. It also raises HDL cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol. Vitamin B is another vitamin which helps to control cholesterol levels in the body.

While vitamins are essential to health, the truth is that minerals are even more needed by the body. Not only can vitamins not be used without the aid of minerals, but minerals by themselves work wonders in the body. Undoubtedly the most important mineral for heart health is magnesium, which is actually known as the heart mineral. Magnesium helps to prevent heart disease by preventing diabetes, improving cholesterol, and preventing heart attacks. Magnesium helps to prevent hypertension by relaxing the smooth muscle surrounding the blood vessel walls, keeping arteries open, and magnesium works with potassium to lower blood pressure as well. Magnesium helps to prevent blood clots, and lower the risk of stroke. A lack of magnesium can result in heart arrhythmias. Magnesium also helps to improve heart health by relieving overall stress in the body. All in all, magnesium is a great mineral for heart health, and is, in fact, the most important mineral in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Selenium is also an important mineral for heart health, as it acts as an antioxidant in the body. Selenium, in addition, is a component of an enzyme which helps to protect arterial walls. Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium work together as electrolytes to regulate blood pressure and keep your blood healthy.

When looking to improve your heart health, what is not put in your body is just as important as what is put in your body. Smoking is something that many people engage in, and yet is quite probably the most harmful thing you could do to your body. Smoking decreases oxygen in the blood, restricting oxygenation to body tissues, which will, in time, kill those tissues. Let's not forget that tissues compose muscles, and the heart is a muscle, so by smoking you are slowly killing your heart muscle. It is vital that if you do smoke, you stop today, in order to improve your health and start reversing the effects of smoking.

All of these things-heredity, gender, lifestyle, diet, supplementation- affect your chances of developing heart disease. In order to prevent cardiovascular disease and improve your heart health, it is important to take charge, to do research and know what your body needs for optimum health, and then do act upon that knowledge to better your heart health today.

For more information on weight loss, and health in general, visit http://www.mineralifeonline.com/. They have great advice to keep you healthy, a knowledgeable staff to keep you informed, and even provide mineral supplements such as Magnesium to keep your heart running the way it's supposed to. Don't like oral supplements? Never fear - they have a great Magnesium Oil that's super quick and easy to use, giving you extra Magnesium all throughout the day!

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Heart Health: Preventing Cardiac Disease

A healthy heart is the secret to a long and happy life. However, in order to get there, we need to be careful with that vital organ in the center of our chests.

The heart is so important that it's become a social icon meaning love and caring. That's also why our heart pumps a certain special way when that certain someone comes our way. While certain people might be good for our heart, it takes a little more than some TLC to keep your ticker in tip-top shape.

Considering the heart pumps up to 3 billion times in a 60-year time, needs just as much exercise as any other muscle.

If you don't keep good care of your heart, you could start having problems. The No. 1 thing to watch out for is heart failure, or other problems like cardiac disease, also known as heart disease.

Here are some key cardiac disease symptoms to help you determine if something is wrong:
DizzinessFast or slow heartbeatFatigueAbnormal sweatingChest painShortness of breathPain in the legs, abdomen, lower, back, or neck

If you experience any of these symptoms, it could mean you're having heart troubles. It's important to see your doctor if you do. If they symptoms are bringing you to your knees, call an ambulance immediately.

But keeping your heart healthy isn't just about giving it a good workout. To keep it in tip-top condition, your heart needs important nutrients, regular conditioning, and avoiding harmful substances.

Here are some ways to promote heart health every day:
Cardiovascular exercise: The more you exercise your heart, the better in shape it will be. Thirty minutes three times a week is good, but the more the better.Low-cholesterol foods: Reducing the amount of cholesterol you eat will help keep your arteries free of plaque, which causes constriction. These are common in animal products, processed foods, and other things."Good fats": Monosaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids found in most fish, nuts, avocados, and other healthy foods are good ways to raise your "good" cholesterol (which lowers the "bad" kind). Research also shows omega-3s also prevent heart arrhythmias.Caffeine: While a little bit of caffeine in the morning can help you get going, too much can create unneeded strain on your heart. If you want a good jolt without the caffeine, keep a large glass of water near your bed and gulp it down the second you wake up.Shake out less salt: Salt, while tasty addition to lots of foods, plays a large role in narrowing in the arteries, which puts unnecessary stress on the heart.Smoking: You've been looking for a reason to quit. Here's one more.

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High Blood Pressure, Homocysteine and Pycnogenol - A Review

We live in a culture that attacks our health in many ways. There are work pressures, problems raising children, financial problems, and for some people, plain outright boredom that wears on our bodies. The result is a nationwide high blood pressure problem. But are the pressures of living the only cause of high blood pressure? By no means - as a matter fact, I am convinced that the environmental pressures we blame for this problem are very minor causes.

Gorging on unhealthy foodstuff is a key reason for high blood pressure and is not limited to the middle class. It permeates the entire society. What you put in your mouth has a direct relationship to your health. But, when it comes to high blood pressure, the bad foods are just part of the problem. Even your good protein foods are part of your problem. The bad foods cause us to store bad fat throughout our bodies, especially around our mid section and around our vital organs which may cause serious problems.

The biggest culprit in producing high blood pressure is homocysteine which is produced as a by-product of digesting protein foods. It is an acid and, if not quickly broken down into harmless salts, damages your blood vessels. As a defensive mechanism, your brain orders your body to make extra cholesterol to use in patching the damaged vessels. As the cholesterol builds up on the vessel walls, it restricts the flow of blood as well as being a hiding place for bacteria which, in turn, produces pain.

If the blood vessels are not somehow cleansed and the offending homocysteine removed, eventually your veins are going to become so restricted you become a prime subject for a heart attack or fatal blood clot. Your doctor is going to prescribe a statin drug, or in other words, high blood pressure medicine. The medicine will reduce the blood pressure, but in the process, stop your body from producing enzyme CoQ10 which is essential for your heart to properly function. You become subject to a sudden and unexplained heart attack.

Testing your homocysteine level is much more important to your health than testing your high blood pressure. You can have perfect blood pressure and be subject to a fatal heart attack due to your homocysteine level.

Research has shown that increasing your intake of vitamin D, folic acid, B 6 and B 12 vitamins breaks homocysteine down so it can be purged from your body. (It would be better to use a quality natural mega-multi-vitamin that includes not only mega B vitamins but also many other essential nutrients for good health.) What could be simpler? As the cholesterol is being purged from your body, a strong antioxidant such as pycnogenol, when used at a high enough concentration, can go in and help your body repair your damaged veins. From my personal experiences working with other people,the enhanced version of pycnogenol has been a God send to them.

From my personal experiences as a result of using the enhanced version of pycnogenol since I was 58, as well as from working with other people, I know the value of using the enhanced version of pycnogenol. However, you have to decide for yourself because you are the one living in your body. There is currently only one company producing and selling the enhanced pycnogenol I use. You will need to go to http://www.whatispycnogenol.info/ and click on the products button to find the product, MariPrime. Use it for 3 months and you won't believe the difference it will make.

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High Cholesterol - Foods to Include In Your Diet

People suffering from high cholesterol levels are in a perennial battle to find the right foods to eat. The vast majority of processed foods available in the retail industry will not really suit their requirements and they will have to really dig around to find foods that will help their lower their cholesterol levels or at least keep them in check.

This article will give you a list of some foods that might achieve that purpose for them.

? Oatmeal or Oat bran - This easy to prepare breakfast will provide your body with fiber which will reduce cholesterol absorption in the blood stream. They have been known to reduce LDL cholesterol or the bad cholesterol in your body. You can make this breakfast tasty by adding some fruit such as bananas which will add even more cholesterol fighting fiber to it.

? Fish - Try to include some fish in your weekly diet. More particularly, look for fish that is high in Omega 3 fatty acids that reduce the risk of heart attacks and blocks in the arteries. Fish that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids are Mackerel, Herring, Salmon, Halibut and Sardines. It is also important that you cook the fish in a healthy way which means that you should not deep fry it. Baking or broiling is a much better option.

? Nuts - Any type of nut such as walnut, almonds or peanuts have been known to keep the arteries clog free and reduce cholesterol levels. Eat plain nuts and also restrict your intake to just a handful in a day as nuts are usually very high in calorie count. If you do not want to eat nuts separately, break them up and include them in a salad or other healthy meals as a topping.

? Olive oil - Olive oil is great for the body because it not only lowers the bad cholesterol in your body, it does it while leaving the good cholesterol intact. Try to substitute butter or other cooking oils that you might be using with olive oil as it will immediately have an impact on your cholesterol levels.

? Sterols and Stanols - You will find various foods such as yoghurt, margarine and orange juice that have been fortified with sterols and stanols, substances naturally found in plants. These substances reduce bad cholesterol levels by as much as 10% in your body. Just 2 grams of this substance a day is enough to reduce your bad cholesterol quite significantly.

Diet can make a huge difference in your overall health. Why don't you hear more about it? The medical and pharmaceutical professions don't make much money on eating right. Take control of your health. Eat your way to health.

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High Cholesterol: Understanding Lipolproteins

Cholesterol is an essential building block of every cell in the body. It's made up of a fatty, wax-like substance that circulates throughout the bloodstream.

There are several different types of cholesterol. High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is referred to as "good" cholesterol and is thought to help protect against heart disease. HDL should remain high, as it works to get bad cholesterol out of the body. The American Heart Association recommends that men and women should keep their HDL levels above 60mg/dL.

Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is known as "bad" cholesterol and contributes to the build-up of plaque around the artery walls. High levels of LDL can cause the arteries to harden or rupture and lead to strokes and heart attacks. The American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute both state that everyone's LDL should be below 100 for optimal health.

Triglycerides are another type of cholesterol in the bloodstream that is made up of extra calories that the body doesn't use. A triglyceride level below 150 mg/dL is considered normal. High levels of triglycerides often go hand-in-hand with high levels of LDL or low levels of HDL.

When diagnosed with high cholesterol, one or more types of cholesterol may be within an abnormal range. High cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) is a lipid disorder that refers to the abundance of fatty substances in the bloodstream.

There are a number of factors that can increase your risk of high cholesterol. Being a man or a post-menopausal woman increases your risk, as does family history and diabetes. Other risk factors include:

Poor dietObesityLack of exerciseSmoking

Lifestyle changes, such as eating a high-fiber diet and exercising regularly can help to keep cholesterol levels down. In addition to lifestyle changes, your doctor may recommend taking medications. There are several different types of cholesterol medications, all which are effective in lowering cholesterol levels quickly.

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High Cholesterol Foods - List of 11 Foods High in Cholesterol

High cholesterol foods are simply those foods that raise your cholesterol levels. You should limit the intake of such foods.

First of all you should limit or avoid foods with saturated fats.

Saturated fats are found in animal products such as meats and full fat dairy products. You should reduce your consumption of read meats, especially fried, changing instead to broiled or roasted poultry (i.e. chicken or turkey), preferably free-range.

Foods to limit for better cholesterol levels

Fats are not the only foods that will help shape your cholesterol profile. In fact, it is a common misconception that all foods that contain cholesterol are bad for you. This simply is not true.

There are many foods that contain cholesterol but are not harmful to you and do not raise your cholesterol level. For instance, consider shrimp. Shrimp contains a significant amount of cholesterol but it is good for you. Of course, if you batter-dip and deep fry the shrimp you will raise your cholesterol level.

If you delve deeper into this issue, you will find foods that contain little or no cholesterol such as many packaged "junk food" snacks. Yet, even though these foods may contain zero grams of cholesterol, they may be high in saturated fat making them bad for your cholesterol level.

So do not judge a book by its cover. There are some foods that contain cholesterol that are very good for you to eat and others that will do you harm. To help you decipher between the two you can review the list below of 11 high cholesterol foods which you need to limit or avoid.

Ideally you should not consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol in a day from foods.

Limit or avoid the high cholesterol foods below:

Food -------Serving Size (ounces) ------------ Cholesterol Level (mg)

Lamb ----------------------- 3.5 --------------------------- 70

Boiled egg ----------------- 1 -----------------------------225

Cream cheese ------------ 1 ----------------------------- 27

Sponge cake -------------- 3.5 ---------------------------260

Butter -----------------------3.5 ---------------------------250

Chicken ---------------------3.5 -------------------------- 60

Liver, beef ------------------3.5 -------------------------- 300

Beefsteak -------------------3.5 ---------------------------70

Ice cream -------------------3.5 ---------------------------45

Kidney, beef --------------- 3.5 -------------------------- 375

Cheddar cheese -----------1 -----------------------------19

So to summarize, work on limiting or avoiding foods high in saturated fats and some foods high in cholesterol such as the foods listed above as well as margarine, fried foods, fast foods and any foods with trans fat or partially hydrogenated oil on its list of ingredients, and you will significantly reduce your cholesterol intake from foods.

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How To Improve Good Cholesterol While Lowering Bad Cholesterol And Protect Against Heart Disease

Good cholesterol, or HDL (high density lipoproteins), is the substance found in the bloodstream that helps carry excess bad cholesterol, or LDL (low density lipoproteins) through the bloodstream and into the liver where it can be re-used.

In many cases, HDL may carry up to one-third of the total cholesterol content found within the blood stream.

If there is a shortage of good cholesterol, then the capability of removing excess bad cholesterol is reduced.

The question of how to improve good cholesterol can be answered a number of different ways.

Well Balanced Diet

If you're wondering how to improve good cholesterol, then one way that you can do so is by becoming more conscientious about what you eat.

Foods that are high in saturated fats should be eliminated because they essentially raise the amount of LDL, or bad cholesterol, which is present in the blood.

This in turn reduces the amount of HDL cholesterol, which is exactly what you don't want.

Instead, try to stick to a healthier diet.

A healthy diet will consist of fruits, vegetables, minimal amounts of meats, nuts, whole grain foods, soy based products, fish, and other heart healthy foods.

Consider adding natural supplements to your diet to improve good cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Regular Exercise

A routine exercise program that consists of 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity is another great answer to the question of how to improve good cholesterol levels.

Consistent aerobic exercise will help reduce the level of LDL cholesterol that is present in the bloodstream and will also increase the level of HDL cholesterol.

The result of a good exercise program is a decreased risk of heart disease and other heart related issues.

Add More Fiber To Your Diet

Fiber can also increase HDL cholesterol counts and decrease LDL cholesterol within your bloodstream.

Consider eating more foods that are high in fiber such as oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, and more.

Stop Smoking

Smoking can lead to an increase in bad cholesterol within the blood stream, not to mention the fact that it can also cause high blood pressure and other heart related issues.

Smoking is also a leading cause of lung cancer and other upper respiratory complications so it is a very unhealthy habit that should be kicked all together for the sake of your own health as well as the health of others around you.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Consuming too much alcohol can effectively reduce the amount of HDL cholesterol and increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in your bloodstream.

Keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum is another answer to the question of how to improve good cholesterol levels.

If you are ready to action how to improve good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol and significantly improving your heart health, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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How To Improve HDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally And Reduce Your Risk Of Developing Heart Disease

HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol that helps remove excess bad cholesterol (LDL) from the bloodstream, which in turn reduces the build-up of plaque in the arteries.

There are number of strategies that can be used to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

A low HDL level for men is one that is below 40 mg/dL, and for women a low HDL level is one that is below 50 mg/dL.

The level for women is higher because they produce estrogen which aides in the production of HDL.

Good HDL levels are considered to be above 60 mg/dL, which means that there is an optimal amount of HDL cholesterol for eliminating excess LDL from the bloodstream.

If your HDL level is lower than the recommended level, then there are a number of things you can do to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

One thing that you can do is to try to lose weight. This will achieve a number of different things including a reduction in the level of LDL cholesterol that is present in your body, as well as increase the HDL count.

The other obvious benefit of losing weight is the increased satisfaction and self-confidence that you will have in yourself when you get rid of the extra pounds.

Exercise is another great strategy that can help you increase your HDL levels naturally.

Aerobic exercise when performed on a regular basis for 20 to 30 minutes can help burn excess fat and calories and get the heart rate up in order to increase blood and oxygen flow to the muscles and other organs in the body.

Another strategy that can help improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally is to eliminate foods that contain trans fat, saturated fats, and other harmful substances that can increase LDL cholesterol and reduce HDL cholesterol levels.

When foods that contain these types of substances are eliminated from your diet, HDL levels are improved.

To ensure success, consider adding natural supplements to your diet. They are extremely successful at raising HDL levels while lowering LDL.

Stopping the bad habit of smoking is also a great way to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

Not only does quitting smoking help improve HDL counts, but it eliminates the many other health risks that are associated with smoking.

An overall reduction in alcohol is another valuable strategy that can help improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally.

It is recommended that men consume no more than one or two drinks per day, and women consume no more than one alcoholic drink per day.

If you are ready to improve HDL cholesterol levels naturally as well as lower LDL levels thus improving your heart health, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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Jaw Pain and Heart Attacks and Heart Disease Caused by Lack of Sleep

Heart pain is often radiated to teeth and jaw. It is very common to have jaw pain before or during a heart attack. It is simply not possible to emphasize on the symptoms of heart attack as different people experience different complications during a heart attack. Chest pain is the most common sign of having a heart attack, but there could be many other relevant causes of the condition.

Cardiac pain usually involves the jaw, arms, neck and back. The pain is very strong and severe. However, the jaw pain has nothing to with dental problems, and it usually comes and goes.

It is the heart pain that affects the teeth and jaw line. Any problems related to the heart can affect both the upper and lower jaw. It is very difficult to diagnose whether the jaw pain is associated with a heart problems or sinus or any other dental complication. Also, as there is no proper evidence to establish a link between jaw pain and heart attack, but after diagnosing the health condition it has often been found that the pain in the jaw was actually due to a heart attack.

If you experience a sudden jaw pain and you are a heart patient as well, you must immediately see a doctor.

Heart disease caused by lack of sleep

The failure or inability to allow the body to sleep for at least six hours of restful and uninterrupted sleep leads to several ailments. Cardiovascular disorders are one of the most serious after-effects of sleeplessness or lack of sleep. A short period of sleep which is less than 6 hours doubles the risk of high blood pressure among people. In fact, studies have revealed that the risk of high blood pressure increases by 350 per cent to 500 per cent among those who sleep an insufficient sleep. Furthermore, young people with erratic working hours are twice more susceptible of high blood pressure in comparison to the adults. Further, it has been well observed that lack of sleep augments the concentration of C-reactive proteins inside the blood. This protein is most responsible for the occurrence of heart attacks or strokes among people.

It is important to note that even one night of insufficient sleep increases the accumulation of toxic substances inside body. Some of such toxic substances include Interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha. The high presence of these medicines increases the risk of many medical disorders like coronary diseases, cancer and sometimes arthritis. Therefore, as the first step towards improving the heart condition, one must follow an effective rest or sleep regime that lasts for at least 6 hours.

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Prevent A Cardiovascular Problem From Developing To Protect Yourself Against Having A Heart Attack

In the United States alone, many deaths are associated with some type of cardiovascular problem. The number of people who die of a heart attack each year is actually quite scary (approx. 250,000 US citizens). The statistics around the world are equally as daunting.

As a result, health authorities are continually emphasizing the importance of learning more about cardiovascular health and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

Being able to identify the various symptoms associated with a cardiovascular problem is paramount to ensure you seek medical attention quickly.

Cardiovascular disease symptoms you need to be aware of include:

* fatigue
* chest pain
* edema or swelling of the ankles
* short of breath
* sweating excessively
* nausea
* dizziness
* excessive urination
* numbness which is often felt in the extremities

All of the above symptoms are the result of clogged or blocked arteries.

Many experts support the theory that at least seventy percent of the arteries in the body would need to be blocked before these symptoms would become recognizable.

However, you should not wait for this to happen. You should start taking preventative measure to keep your arteries as clear as possible.

If any of these symptoms become noticeable, you should take it a warning sign that you may have a cardiovascular problem.

For some who develop an underlying cardiovascular disease and are taking certain medications, their condition may worsen.

The reason being, some medications can actually result in sodium retention or a decreased ability for the heart to pump effectively.

Ibuprofen and naproxen are examples of such medications that you need to be aware of.

Therefore consult your doctor, and find out all the information you can about any medications that are prescribed to you in the treatment of any cardiovascular problem.

With regard to the pumping power of the heart, many people, particularly senior citizens, are at risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

This is due to the fact that people aged 65 years and older are more prone to arterial blockage because of high cholesterol. Of course, another factor worth noting is that as the body ages, so does the heart.

The good news is though, irrespective of what age you are, you can protect yourself against developing cardiovascular problems by treating the primary risk factor - cholesterol.

You need to adopt a healthy lifestyle and follow a heart healthy diet. Avoid or limit animal products, full fat dairy products, fast food, processed food and pre-packaged food as these are high in saturated fats and trans fats, and will cause your bad cholesterol levels to increase.

Exercise regularly, quit cigarette smoking, manage your blood pressure and take natural supplements, all of which will lower cholesterol and improve your cardiovascular health.

This will prevent a cardiovascular problem from developing, giving you excellent protection against heart disease.

If you are ready to protect yourself against developing a cardiovascular problem and ultimately heart disease, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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Promoting Heart Health: A Closer Look at Cardiac Rehabilitation

Most of us know someone who has had a heart attack, a stroke or high blood pressure, all of which are forms of heart disease.

Some staggering statistics on heart disease:

In 2006 alone, 631,636 people (roughly 1 in 4 individuals) died of heart disease.Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women, and half of those deaths are in women.Coronary artery disease in 2005 resulted in 445,687 deaths.Every year, 785,000 Americans have their first heart attack, and 470,000 people have their second or third heart attacks.

In 2010 alone, health care costs associated with heart disease will cost the United States $316.4 billion dollars in lost productivity, medications and health care services.
The key to curbing rising health care costs associated with heart disease is prevention. Establishing a healthy diet, an exercise routine, quitting smoking, and managing stress levels are ways to help prevent heart disease and lower your risk factors. These are great recommendations to help prevent heart disease in healthy individuals. But what if you have already have signs or complications of heart disease?

Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation is an outpatient program that a cardiologist would prescribe to someone who has had a recent heart attack or another qualifying diagnosis related to heart disease. Components of this program include: Patient monitoring, education, lifestyle coaching and help transitioning back to work. Typically in a Phase II program, you have nurses, dietitians and an exercise physiologist who will help develop a well-rounded program to help you transition back into a normal life routine.

Statistics on the benefits of participation in a Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program versus non-participation:

95% three year survival rate for those who participated in cardiac rehab versus 64% for those who did not participate25% reduction in risk of recurrent heart attack45% mortality risk reduction by following a heart healthy diet30% mortality risk reduction by lowering blood pressure15% mortality risk reduction BMI less than 3035% mortality risk reduction by quitting tobacco50% mortality risk reduction in treating depression and psychosocial issues

Phase II programs are covered by most insurance. Check with your health care provider or cardiologist to see if you have a qualifying condition for cardiac rehabilitation. You may qualify for a Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation program if you have any of the following conditions:

Stable anginaHeart attack or more commonly referred to as an MIAngioplastyCoronary stentCoronary artery bypass surgeryHeart valve surgery

If you are interested in a Phase II program, contact your health care provider, cardiologist or local hospital to see if there is a program in your area.
Adopting a low-sodium, low-fat diet such as that recommended by the American Heart Association, managing chronic diseases such as Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, and exercising 30 to 60 minutes on most days of the week will help to reduce your risk factors for developing heart disease and preventing premature death.

You heart will thank you for it!

Kevin DiDonato is a Health Educator and Exericse Physiologist at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, Maine. He also owns his own personal training company Human Performance Lab which serves the Ellsworth and Bangor area.

He enjoy spending time with his wife and two young boys, playing and having fun with life.

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Really Good Fish Oil Helps Blood Flow - Here Is How to Pick the Best

This is because Omega oil contains fatty acids that can seem to work wonders inside of the human body. The fish oil benefits include improved brain function and a reduction in the types of certain cancers, but the most well-known benefits are to the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

A daily three omega oil dosage will help to regulate blood pressure due to the peptides that it contains, and will help to reduce both the diastolic and systolic blood pressures. It will also decrease the amount of atherosclerosis (which is hardening of the arteries) by breaking down the plaque that lines the walls.

Consuming the best fish omega supplements available is also going to provide the body with a safe and effective blood thinner. This means that someone at risk for stroke (which is usually someone with a lot of arterial buildup and higher blood pressure) will see their risks decrease substantially simply by taking a daily dose of fish oil.

Thanks to the many scientific studies, the Omega 3 benefits are now well known and widely understood. It isn't necessary to consume tons of salmon or mackerel in order to enjoy the benefits, however, and a high-quality supplement is able to provide all of the same benefits as when it is received directly through a food source. The source of finest Omega3 Oils is the scarcely inhabited south Pacific rim between New Zealand, Antarctica and Patagonia. Fresh clean water, no big populations or shipping lines equals to extremely low level of heavy metals and pollutants

If you are at risk for any sort of cholesterol, heart, or circulatory issues it is a good idea to investigate your options with fish oil supplements.

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Sedentary Lifestyle Is Even Worse for You Than You Think

Even I didn't realize how devastating it is for your health to sit in front of your TV.

It turns out that sitting in front of a TV or computer for more than an hour or two a day destroys your health so thoroughly that you can't counterbalance it with a gym workout.

The latest research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology studied the health risk of staring into a screen for entertainment as a factor independent of the amount of exercise you get.

The shocking findings? You can double your risk of heart disease if you spend more than four hours a day with this form of passive entertainment.

This line of scientific inquiry reminds me of some of the earliest research findings on physical activity and cardiovascular risk. One of the important early studies compared two groups of men: postal carriers who go door-to-door and postal clerks who sit and sort mail. This was back in the dark ages, before "fitness" was a craze.

The two groups earned the same salary and shared the same general social status. Guess what? As you could expect, the mail carriers were a healthy bunch and the sorters were a mess.

What that means for you

You've got to be more active. Walk or bike places instead of taking the car or public transportation. Climb the stairs. Set up one of those rebounders in front of your TV set and bounce for half an hour while enjoying your favorite show. A yoga class at lunch? Sounds like fun to me. Stand at your desk at work for an hour or two every day. Jumping rope is invigorating - plus if you live in an apartment you can really annoy the people downstairs. Make a total fool of yourself and learn (or relearn) how to hula hoop. When you shop for groceries, don't take a rolling cart - carry a basket. Park in the most distant possible parking spot at the mall. Chase your cat around the house. Walk the dog. Smash your television (I hear that raises your IQ by 20 points, by the way). Salsa dance class (though I'm rather fond of the foxtrot myself). Take your kids outside to play and try to keep up with them. Join a fitness walking group. Rake the leaves in your yard, don't blow them. Play cards or backgammon instead of flipping on the set (yes, even these pastimes are more active than television). Quit your job and become a mail carrier.

Check out the article from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Or Dr. Lavine's blog on health at Your Body of Knowledge. Better yet - don't read anything more about it. Just get moving.

Ronald Lavine, D.C. blogs about health topics at yourbodyofknowledge.com. He has thirty years' experience helping people with complex health problems alleviate pain and restore health.

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So Does Fish Oil Really Reduce Cholesterol?

There has been much talk recently about omega 3 fish oil and cholesterol lowering, so is it true? The results of some early studies were mixed but more recent ones show a positive benefit. Find out more here including how to find the right oil from the many poor ones.

So does fish oil reduce cholesterol?

Well what it does is balance your cholesterol. Let's look at the facts about cholesterol first so you can understand what these oils can do.

Not all cholesterol is bad. You have two main types called LDL (the bad one if you like) and HDL (the good one). Even if your LDL is a little high, as long as your HDL is high too, there is no problem. You also want to have low levels of triglyceride fats too as these can be dangerous and are linked to cholesterol.

As you can see, it is not about having a low total level but understanding your readings and the relationship between them. Fish oil can reduce your LDL levels while increasing your HDL levels and also significantly reduce the triglyceride fats.

You should always check with your doctor before stopping any medication and ensure that if you have a test done, that you get all 3 readings so you can properly assess it.

As well as helping to safely balance your LDL and HDL levels, these oils also help to reduce your risk of a premature stroke, boost your immune system, ensure your brain functions properly, protect you against some cancers and they also have strong anti aging properties too, especially for the skin.

If you want the benefits of omega 3 fish oil and cholesterol balancing and the others too, you need to select your supplements with care.

Start by only using pure and fresh oils. Look at the website or label to see if they have been molecularly distilled or not. This is an important process that many companies skip to boost profits but can endanger your health if not done.

It separates out the oil from the many toxins including PCBs, dioxins, mercury, arsenic and lead. If you ingest traces of these not only can it damage your long term health but also cancel out any benefits of the oil.

Check also you are getting at least 50% omega 3 fats in your oils with a high proportion of DHA fats for the maximum benefits, again the label should show you this.

So now you know the answer to, does fish oil reduce cholesterol and how it works, you can confidently select the best oils and enjoy the maximum health benefits.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

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Steps To Achieving A Healthy Heart To Protect Yourself Against Heart Disease And Live A Long Life

Having a healthy heart is paramount to living a long and healthy life. The heart is the body's indicator whenever a person's vital signs are checked. When the heart stops to beat, other vital signs stop too. This is why the heart is the life indicator of all human beings.

The importance of the heart is immeasurable so it is essential to adopt a lifestyle that supports and maintains its functions, ultimately developing a healthy heart.

Heart disease is a leading killer in the US and throughout the world, with in excess of 14 million US citizens suffering from coronary artery disease, and millions more from other countries around the world.

There are many ways to achieve a healthy heart. All you need is patience and diligence.

Exercise is the primary key towards improving your heart health.

Choose an exercise that you know you will enjoy because then you will be more inclined to keep it up.

Walking, swimming, dancing, jogging, running, playing sports and cycling are all fantastic exercises for getting your heart rate up, which is exactly what you need. Getting started is the hardest part, but once you establish a routine, you will be well on your way to a healthy heart.

When you exercise, you will boost your HDL cholesterol levels, the good cholesterol, and lower your LDL cholesterol levels, the bad cholesterol.

High cholesterol is a prime risk factor for heart disease, as it causes a build up of plaque in your arteries.

As the build up of plaque increases, your arteries will eventually become blocked.

If the main arteries leading to your brain or heart become blocked, then you will suffer a stroke or a heart attack.

As well as exercising, you need to follow a healthy diet.

Low fat or non-fat foods are ideal if you are looking to lower your cholesterol levels or simply keep them in check.

Include lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish in your diet as they have the ability to help maintain the proper level of cholesterol in the body.

To truly achieve a healthy heart, you will need to quit smoking and stop any excessive drinking, both of which not only affect your cholesterol levels, but your overall health in general.

Taking natural supplements is an excellent step, as it will provide your body with invaluable nutrients that you could not possibly source in sufficient quantities from food alone.

The right supplements with the right ingredients, will ensure you maintain heart healthy cholesterol levels, and improve your cardiovascular health.

Having a healthy heart is crucial to ensure you live a long and healthy life, so be sure to make whatever lifestyle changes are necessary to achieve that goal.

If you are ready to achieve a healthy heart and protect yourself against heart disease, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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The Effects Of Alcohol Consumption On Cholesterol

There is good news when it comes to moderate alcohol consumption and its effects on your cholesterol levels.

According to most research studies, a moderate alcohol intake (one or two drinks maximum of alcohol per day) is associated with less risk of heart disease. This applies to all forms of alcohol and not simply to red wine, as is popularly believed and is due to the fact that all types of alcohol reduce the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood. Alcohol also raises the HDL (good) cholesterol, which could play a role in protecting against heart disease.

One research paper even goes as far to say that any amount of alcohol consumption is good for improving your cholesterol. This paper surveyed 4860 middle-aged men in Caerphilly (South Wales) and Speedwell (Bristol) and found that alcohol consumption was directly related to increased levels of HDL cholesterol. The research also showed that the more alcohol you drank the more your "good" HDL cholesterol increased - regardless of age, smoking habits, body weight, "bad" cholesterol or other levels of fats in the blood.

But (unfortunately), this paper is a lone voice in the research on alcohol and cholesterol and I would not hold too much faith in its results!

This is because it was based on surveys and the majority of people tend to exaggerate, under estimate or are genuinely mistaken about their own health habits when it comes to someone "official looking" standing in front of them with a clip board (or it may just be me that fibs when it comes to surveys!). The majority of papers show that too much alcohol can raise blood pressure, damage the liver, cause strokes, enlarge the heart, cause arrhythmias and start having an adverse effect on overall cholesterol (and health).

Fortunately, the old adage of "a little of what you fancy does you good" still holds true for alcohol and if you stick to 2-3 drinks 2-3 times a week you won't go far wrong!

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The Right Levels Of LDL Cholesterol Can Be Achieved By Following These Steps To Protect Yourself

Your liver produces eighty percent of the cholesterol your body needs to function effectively. Aside from the production of cholesterol, the liver is also responsible for the excretion of excess levels of LDL cholesterol in the body.

This process is carried out with the help of HDL cholesterol, which collects excess levels of LDL in the blood and brings them to the liver for excretion.

The amount of cholesterol in your body can be attributed to two key factors - inherited genetic disorder and diet.

Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic defect that causes high cholesterol levels in the blood.

People who inherit familial hypercholesterolemia have a lack of low-density lipoprotein receptors that remove cholesterol from the blood.

As a result, they will have high cholesterol levels from birth, which generally leads to an early development of hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease.

In dealing with this condition, following a low cholesterol diet is very important.

The kinds of foods that you include in your diet have a major impact on your levels of LDL cholesterol and your levels of HDL too.

Foods with high fat and cholesterol content promote an increase in LDL cholesterol levels in the body, as well as an increase in triglycerides and a decrease in HDL levels.

This includes animal products, full fat dairy products, fast food, processed food, pre-packaged food, cakes and biscuits.

Instead you need to eat more green leafy vegetables, onions, apples, blueberries, avocados, salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, chicken (without skin), olive oil, canola oil, oats, oat bran, nuts and seeds.

These foods will provide you with soluble fibre and Omega 3, which will lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL levels.

Lowering your levels of LDL, and increasing HDL levels, is the best way to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.

Getting regular exercise will give your HDL cholesterol a boost, while at the same time lowering LDL. You need to maintain a steady pace for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, for at least five days a week.

Most people have now come to realize the value of adding natural supplements to their daily routine.

If you choose the right supplement, with the right purely natural ingredients, then you are well on your way to achieving heart healthy cholesterol levels and excellent heart health.

Aside from reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in your body, and raising HDL, the above recommendations will also help with:

* Preventing, reversing or stopping the development of plaque within the walls of the arteries
* Preventing the development of blood clots and arterial blockages
* Reducing the risk of having a stroke or a heart attack
* Providing additional benefit to both the cerebral and carotid arteries (major arteries that lead to the brain)
* Widening narrowed arteries

Following the above guidelines will ensure you achieve the recommended levels of LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL, thus giving you peace of mind to enjoy life to the full.

If you are ready to achieve the right levels of LDL and HDL cholesterol levels to protect yourself against heart disease, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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The Stress And Heart Disease Connection Explained And How Best You Can Protect Yourself From Both

According to many research studies, stress is a major contributing factor for heart disease. Numerous experts have debated the relationship between stress and heart disease over the years, and they are all now more or less in agreement that stress and heart disease are closely related.

This is an invaluable finding in the field of cardiovascular disease.

It is worth noting that stress is also the reason why so many people at an early age now suffer from coronary problems.

In the current climate, with hectic schedules and busy lifestyles, it is difficult to avoid stress.

Stress is considered one of the leading killers during these turbulent times and the more pressure you are under, from work, from home, from life in general, the more exacerbated you are likely to become.

Stress generally occurs because of an exhausting and pressured work life, and it can lead to hypertension or high blood pressure, which in turn will eventually lead to coronary artery disease.

In addition, stress is the reason why there is an increased level of cholesterol in the body, which is another major risk factor for coronary artery disease.

Coronary artery disease affects more than 14 million people in the United States alone and millions more in other countries around the world.

Understanding the relationship between stress and heart disease is very important because stress is unavoidable especially in our present times.

So, aside from the stressful busy lifestyles of today, what else causes stress, which could potentially result in coronary artery disease?

One cause is overeating. If you eat too much, then you will most likely gain weight and suffer from heart problems in due course.

Your body stresses because of the extra weight it has to contend with, and you become stressed because of the weight gain.

Excessive alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking can cause stress and heart disease respectively.

The more stressed you become, the more you drink and the more you smoke. Unfortunately, this leads to health problems and the development of coronary artery disease.

As you can see, stress plays a major role in the development of various forms of heart disease. They are connected and it is something you need to be aware of.

When stress becomes prolonged and neglected, it will weaken your immune system.

As a result, your body becomes too weak to resist illnesses and at the same time, the heart becomes weak too.

In order to protect yourself, there are some basic things you need to know, about the relationship between stress and heart disease.

In a nutshell, what matters most is that you use your initiative to fight stress through a combination of:

* proper diet
* regular exercise
* learning to cope with difficult situations
* managing your cholesterol
* managing your blood sugar levels
* managing your blood pressure
* taking natural supplements

All of the above have a huge impact on your health and general well-being.

By eating heart healthy foods, getting plenty of exercise, and taking natural supplements, you will provide your body with the right support to cope with stress and prevent heart disease.

Natural supplements can provide you with essential nutrients that your body cannot get in sufficient quantities from another source.

Many of these nutrients are excellent for dealing with stress and for protecting you against heart disease.

Start putting your plan in place to manage stress and heart disease, so that you can enjoy a long, healthy and fulfilled life with your family and loved ones.

If you are ready to protect yourself against stress and heart disease, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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Tips For Achieving The Normal HDL Cholesterol Range And Higher To Protect Against Heart Disease

When it comes to being heart healthy, having the correct good and bad cholesterol levels is very important. The key to achieving desired good and bad cholesterol levels is knowing what strategies exist for doing so. There are a number of strategies for achieving a normal HDL cholesterol range or even higher.

HDL, or good cholesterol, is the cholesterol that has the primary responsibility for removing excess LDL, or bad cholesterol, from the bloodstream.

The end result of properly functioning HDL is the prevention of excess build-up of plaque in the arteries, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease and other heart related complications.

So what exactly is the normal HDL cholesterol range?

For men, the normal range generally falls somewhere between 40 and 50 mg/dL, and the normal range for women is usually between 50 and 60 mg/dL.

Levels above 60 mg/dL are typically considered to be ideal.

How does one achieve HDL numbers within or above the normal range?

There are a number of strategies that can be used to increase HDL cholesterol counts and decrease LDL cholesterol counts.

One effective strategy for doing so is maintaining a well balanced diet.

A diet that is filled with many healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, protein, whole grain foods, soy based products, and fish can help reduce the production of LDL cholesterol and increase the production of HDL cholesterol.

Eliminating foods that are high in trans fat and other harmful substances will also greatly reduce the production of LDL cholesterol, which in turn helps improve the good cholesterol level.

Another strategy that can keep you within or above the normal HDL cholesterol range is regular exercise.

Aerobic exercise, when sustained for 20 to 30 minutes on a regular basis is an effective way to improve the overall health and physique of the human body.

Not only that, but regular exercise can also have an effect on cholesterol in the body as well.

HDL levels can be increased and LDL levels can be decreased when exercise is performed on a regular basis.

There are other strategies that can also help achieve the normal HDL cholesterol range.

One strategy is to quit or avoid the habit of smoking, which is known to cause an increase in bad cholesterol.

Another strategy is to reduce the amount of alcohol that is consumed on a daily basis. One to drinks per day is acceptable for men, and one drink per day is acceptable for women.

If you are ready to achieve the normal HDL cholesterol range and LDL cholesterol range to protect yourself against heart disease, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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Tips For Lowering LDL Cholesterol All Naturally To Protect Against Having A Heart Attack Or A Stroke

LDL, or bad cholesterol, is an essential part of the body's natural processes and is needed in order to produce hormones and other elements required in the natural digestive processes that the body goes through.

An optimal level must be produced in order to carry out these processes.

In some cases, however, the level of LDL cholesterol produced becomes too great, thus leading to the increase in plaque build-up in the arteries, which can increase the risk of heart disease.

There are many strategies for lowering LDL cholesterol all naturally that can completely eliminate the need for medication.

One strategy for lowering LDL cholesterol all naturally is through a well balanced diet.

Oftentimes the pressures and stress of a fast-paced daily lifestyle can lead to poor eating habits.

In many cases, one might resort to the quick and easy solution for satisfying their hunger, which usually isn't the healthiest solution.

Foods that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol can cause a spike in the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream, which can increase plaque build-up in the arteries.

Instead, a diet that is full of fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, soy based foods, and other healthy foods should be maintained in order to keep cholesterol intake to a minimum.

Another strategy that can be used in lowering LDL cholesterol all naturally is regular exercise.

Exercise helps burn off excess fat and calories, which in turn prevents the build-up of cholesterol in the blood stream.

Not only can exercise reduce the overall cholesterol count in the blood stream, but it will also help improve the overall physical fitness of the body, promote muscle growth, and reduce fat storage.

Routine exercise, when partnered with a well balanced diet, can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease and other complications associated with cholesterol problems.

There are a number of other methods for lowering LDL cholesterol all naturally including reducing stress, quitting or avoiding smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption.

Stress can contribute to the increased amount of bad cholesterol in the blood stream so an effort should be put forth to eliminate the causes of stress in one's daily life.

A number of methods can be used to eliminate stress including exercise, yoga, meditation, relaxation, and simply avoiding those things that cause stress in the first place.

Smoking is a bad habit that can also lead to increased cholesterol levels, not to mention the many other health problems that it can cause.

Smoking should be avoided all together if possible.

Alcohol consumption should be reduced to a max of one to two drinks per day for men, and one drink per day for women.

If you are ready to start lowering LDL cholesterol all naturally while boosting HDL levels too, giving you excellent protection against heart disease, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: http://www.curing-cholesterol.com/

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